
NDA is over for Pathfinder 2e's Tian Xia World Guide! So glad to be part of this great team of writers! I wrote Goka (an entrepot city and megapolis, building upon Sen's earlier work) and Songbai (松柏, my reimagining of 1e's Shokuro). Enjoy the art and ask away with your questions about these places!
I *really* appreciated the social issues you put into Songbai between the kitsune and Tian-Shus in a post-Imperial Lung Wa world. It was evocative and read exactly like what I've been advocating for in Tian Xia for years. Great work! Hope to see you in more stuff in the future.
Thank you! I am so glad that resonated. I wanted to highlight the complex, systemic roots of violence and colonialism, of how the Tian-Shus might resent the Tian-Min warrior-bureaucrat ruling class, and at the same time, also exploit the indigenous huli jing whom they displaced by taming the floods!
I wanted to be able to look deeply at questions of anthropocentrism and ethnocentrism through a fantasy lens, and explore how things are often crude and imperfect, often unresolved and not clearly demarcated across histories and communities, and I'm glad I was given such a chance to create Songbai!