
This thread from Matthew Chapman at the Bad Place is a good analysis of why the DC press corps are turning on Biden.
Also just to add, the people who made it to the nyt/wapo roles didn’t get there by being policy wonks they got there by being well sourced. And you can’t “source” you way into a scoop on how the Supreme Court is breaking America
The President of the United States has lost the ability to speak extemporaneously (no teleprompter) and legibly in public for more than 3 minutes at a stretch. This is objectively a really big deal.
"Legibly" is the wrong adjective to use when referring to spoken language. "Legibly" pertains to clear and readable handwriting or printed text. Instead, use "clearly" or "articulately" to describe someone speaking in a way that is easy to understand. Don’t run for president.
The White House regularly publishes corrected transcripts of his spoken remarks that clean up major errors. Everyone in the room "knew what he meant" but the errors (mixing up countries and leaders etc) have to be fixed for reasons of accuracy. One example of many.