
My latest cartoon for New Scientist.
I just wish people would have the balls to customize the looks of their car. I see someone driving a link Hello Kitty car once in a while. Why don’t I see more of that?
We overdid that in the 1960s/1970s hippie-van era. During the late-90s-early-00s, the SF Bay Area had a lot of art cars from the Burning Man crowd. My Kia Soul had the option of coming with hamster footprints, but those cost a lot extra.
Right, I forgot, colors and personality are illegal in 2024, hence why all logos and brands have also toned down and become much more lifeless and generic.
I’ve read articles in auto trade publications that say that the clay tones are due to a particular Audi paint called nardo grey that rich people have been trying to do a low key/“stealth wealth” aesthetic with. Then it filtered down to the merely bourgeois like Ann Hathaway’s blue sweater in TDWP.
lol Oakland has even more recently a mayor with a snail car don’t remind me