
Perfect Times lead. Open with a reactionary exulting over an abstract principle that will hurt other people (and would have with a minor change of circumstance hurt her). Then cut to the real person suffering real harm as if they are equivalent.
Someone needs to explain to me why people “as Christians” begins at embryonic stage. I read the Bible and Christ never talked about that. Not even a little bit.
I don’t have an answer to this question, but most religious anti-abortion groups actually believe life begins at conception, with the formation of the zygote, well before an embryo has formed
In Genesis *Adam* isn't alive until he takes his firth breath. Breath = inhalation of spirit seems to be a recurring theme.
Technically god breathes into Adam but yah sure I can dig that interpretation. The Catholic Church (which is prolly the biggest most organized anti-abortion group) certainly doesn’t give a single shit about how laymen interpret Genesis, not that they have ever pretended to care.
In the Roman Catholic world, the Bible is essentially a holy poem book for communal worship, not a rule book intended for individuals to parse and study in a meaningful way.
Someone trying to quote the Bible to refute a theological point is typically a western Protestant Christian or someone raised as one. Anti abortion Catholics suck, but you’re not gonna convince any of them by trying to quote scripture
Even then, why? Catholic dogma? I don’t recall Jesus talking about zygotes having souls. This all seems like so much Jesus fan-fiction gone awry.