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E. Idaho immigration attorney and liberal Mormon.
Reposted byAvatar Tim
Radio dispatch: "Need backup to clear a homeless group squatting. Appears to be middle eastern immigrants, no ID. Mom is pregnant, but says its not with the guy she is with."
A friend and old classmate from my time in Cincinnati is wearing a U of Cinci football jersey in a recent facebook post and at first I was confused because sports culture isn't her style--and then I realized it was Taylor Swift's boyfriend's jersey and it all made sense.
Everybody's celebrating election wins and meanwhile I'm over here looking at the Trxmp flag guy beating the bishop in the city council election (they're both in my ward) and the school bond not even getting a majority vote (it needed 2/3).
Local school bond election this week. The local small town Facebook page has had some very vocal bond opponents, and two of them just posted lengthy identical comments. Is it two Facebook identities operated by a single person? Sure looks like it!
I've never been good at navigation. When I was six, my family very briefly moved to my grandparents and enrolled me in the local school, half a mile away. My mother showed me the route to get home. The first day, after school, I started talking to a classmate, got distracted, and became lost.
Goodness. The closing line about the Daybells: "[N]othing about their story ends until the wider LDS culture stops casting the pair aside as fringe freaks of the faith, but extremists who were coddled in their midst." www.thedailybeast.com/how-the-mali...
The kids' favorite stop from last night? Neighbors who'd run a local candy store that's recently gone out of business were handing out giant jawbreakers.
Somehow I've never read Rough Stone Rolling before, and I'm not too far in, but already I'm impressed with how good the writing is.
It seems like drivers have gotten dramatically worse over the last year or two. Every time the power goes out at home, my automatic assumption is "another driver ran into another power pole." And it happens every few weeks. At least it's a quick fix.
Deseret News out here having a very normal one about a congresswoman who's descended from Palestinian immigrants crying in public: www.deseret.com/2023/10/20/2...
Two men are running for an empty city council position. One is allied with a candidate in my neighborhood who flies a giant Trump flag in his front yard, and the other used the term "Negro" on a 2023 Facebook page where he complained about California. I'm really struggling with who to vote against.
Comments on the local news page about the Ballard lawsuit prove the Carl Sagan quote: "If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth...Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
The complaint filed against Ballard by the women he victimized quotes Carl Sagan on charlatans. I'm impressed. www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1h59g...
You know it's going to be a good hike when you see a moose before you even leave the parking lot.
End of feed.