
“Somewhere in northern Wyoming” isn’t very narrow, Past Me😑 *flips to next page* There we go, that’s better! Thanks, Past Me!😅 #BirderProblems #birds #birding
I’m terrible at remembering place names but I have a pretty good spatial memory so when I was trying to get all my lifers into eBird I was dragging myself along Google Street view to place the GPS pins 😭
Yeah, I’ve been doing that, but “northern Wyoming” was like, “uhh, Past Me, that’s a really huge area to cover.” 😂😂😂 My next route was to bug Mom for her notes from that trip because she keeps extensively detailed notes from all her travels.
That’s good at least! Once my dad got a digital camera he took a bunch of photos of all of our trips, sorting through those helped me connect locations to the dates I had recorded for various lifers on family vacations
Is there an easy way to do that for old lifelisters? It looked like a massive pain when I tried (and then gave up).
eBird has a protocol for adding old lists if you don’t want to figure out when & where you saw everything and just want to dump everything in to have your list there. Otherwise, you can build lists by dates/trips in Excel & import in. Various options covered here:
Enter your pre-eBird Life Important things to know: On eBird, every observation corresponds to a single location and a single calendar date. It is generally easiest if your pre-eBird lists are also organized by date and loca...
I’m a data nerd, so I didn’t mind trying to find the location and using the “historical” observation setting to connect the bird species, date, and location. Took me a few days to get them all loaded but I do like having my eBird counts reflect my life list. Maybe someday I’ll finish state lists!