
There is a lot of brilliance in this post. Could Exon really have intended to crash the value of Xwitter all along? Acquire. Destroy. Write-off. Re-shape. Nah. too many moves. Love the logic of this post though.
Inviting Alex Jones back to Twitter is what you'd call a win/win for Elon. Besides pleasing the neo-Nazis, fascists and freaks he bought this site to empower, is it makes it even more likely banks will sell him Twitter’s debt for nothing just to escape the stink.
I don't think it was the original plan but it was his default plan the moment he took over and started doing things like stopping paying rent.
My personal opinion: The Saudis (among others) saw EM as a useful idiot. They loaned him billions to take down a platform that was an archive for their crimes and atrocities by authoritarian regimes around the globe. They knew he’d fly it into the side of a mountain.
He was canned at PayPal. His “academic achievements” are court-documented lies. Hyperloop, Tesla Cube, the tunnel company, et cetera… all active failures. I’m sure the intelligence community has known the real EM for decades. A generationally rich buffoon. At least he can’t run for President.
indeed. a younger version of tRump
Definitely part of it!!
Also even if Elon completely flopped, he could destroy the same platform that was used to keep people accountable, have real-time updates, a mass communicator tool. So even when he failed at his American objectives, he could still "win" by tanking the site. It sucks