Hap Hapner - I'm happy!

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Hap Hapner - I'm happy!


Just a guy living the absurdist lifestyle.
Author of Wireless, a political thriller that challenges your faith - in everything.
Remember how badly you felt after Trump won last time ? #VoteBlueNoMatterWho2024
. Why Bluesky is superior Twitter: People over there post funny shit for public approval & clout. People here post funny shit because we are deeply & irreparably disturbed. Also... Cats. Lots of fucking cats. Because cats rule. Duh.
any woman who has "slept her way to the top" actually worked in a situation where men withhold career progress until they recieve sexual favors
Notes to my 17 year old self: 1) stop taking drugs 2) stop drinking alcohol 3) take care of your body; breakage, punctures, abuse take a toll later in life; but don't be a candy-ass 4) grab life by the throat & squeeze out every ounce of knowledge & pleasure 5) careful who you become beholding to
Wall Street Journal is Murdock/FOX owned & ALWAYS been GOP / RW LEANING !!! They're NOT anything BUT RW propaganda
The same process that was followed after WWII to prosecute the Nazis needs to be followed now in the United States. King Joe, it's time for Nuremberg trials for Christian Nationalists & Nazis. tRump is a Nazi. He needs to be tried for treason.
It seems I don't have the patience for much these days. Don't get me wrong. I don't blow up or act out. I just don't have the will to face the long term shenanigans that this world offers on a daily basis. Love you all but corporations are not people. Capitalism sucks.
I would say that any time the right isn't running things , it's a win for the people. 👍
“Sometimes I wonder if all this coverage is because the media knows how to cover a normal problem like a sub-par candidate; they don’t know how to cover something as abnormal and unprecedented as the end of the republic. So for the most part they don’t.” Excellent read. Thought provoking.
I don't know why it is that you want to make an issue of the president and his condition with stammering and not being able, at certain times, to bring forth words while another person lies fluently and you never challenge his lies," Felton said to cheers.
Black churchgoers in Philadelphia come to Biden's defense amid fallout over debate performanceabcnews.go.com Biden gave remarks at Mount Airy Church of God in Christ in Philadelphia.
US Presidents are people. think about it - fallible people. they should not be above the law or the US Constitution. If US Presidents are above the law, then I am above the law & so are you. The US Constitution is not worth the paper it is written on. We, each & everyone of us is above the law
Once again Curry shows he doesn't understand plain English. He thinks a sports dynasty is about championship "relevancy". Dynasty's are about winning championships within a given generation of players and it takes more way more than 4 in the NBA. Celtics under Red A - that was a dynasty.
One more thing... I refuse to fucking hashtag NotAllMen anymore. If you need to be reassured that it's NotAllMen, then you are part of the problem. Ergo you ARE one of those men. You may not be a sexual predator or violent, but you ARE a problem. CHECK YOURSELF. We are not here to reassure YOU.
Don't need to add a thing. Thanks Andrea.
I wish I lived in a country where Donald Trump raping and sexually assaulting girls within Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking ring was treated with at least half the outrage and gravity of Joe Biden having one bad debate night.
The media is trash. Not one fucking word about this.
I say US Americans & Canadian Americans, & Native Americans, & Mexican Americans because it's about fukcing time the US citizens recognize that America is a continent not a country.
I say US Americans & Canadian Americans, & Native Americans, & Mexican Americans because it's about fukcing tie the US citizens recognize that America is a continent not a country.
always has been in my book.
So 3pm is Great Tits o’clock?
Faith? Is that you? Tell Hope I said goodbye. I'm running away with Love. Oh & before I forget - fukc you Faith.
asking for a friend. no really. can you have a sexual relationship online - strictly speaking?