
I think my most unpopular opinion (in a way I truly don't understand why other people aren't with me on this) is that I never want an electronic device to do something I didn't specifically instruct it to do. It can suggest things, but never should it do anything w/o asking me first.
"Oh but autocorrect will just silently change a word you typed wrong" NO! I want a dialogue box w/ "accept" or "reject change" prompts. Otherwise it's useless to me. I don't learn from the typo and I can't argue if it turns out that was *actually* the word I meant to type (second language woes)
Also fantasy writer woes, tbh Not to mention graphic designer woe! Somebody fixing a typo without telling you on what might not be the original file is a STRAIGHT UP NIGHTMARE. Literally there are safeguards at my work against this specific scenario because it is a legally-dangerous scenario!