
Not only was Nicki Minaj was 90 minutes late for her Dublin gig tonight (rude) but she seems to have been tweeting while she was supposed to be onstage (relatable, a bit funny)
Oh like YOU have never been on your phone when you were supposed to be working? Come on.
A lot of very, very disappointed people on social media, but she's got form. Not known for her punctuality, our Nicki.
Ugh. My big divergence from the national stereotype is that I do my absolute best to be on time, and have no time for those who do not respect the time of others.
I've become very punctual these days after a lifetime of being late. I can't get mad at other people though. I've made so many people wait for me.
I mean, I can, depending, but usually more irritation than anger. I guess, also, I haven't made that many people wait in my lifetime. :)
Deep empathy for those with time blindness. Although some people are just rude jerks.
Better than getting the gig postponed because she got banged up in Dutch chokey, I guess
I get social anxiety if I don't move quickly enough on a green light. I can't imagine the balls required to keep 50,000 people waiting for two hours.
Maybe Nicki Minaj's cousin's friend's balls swelled up because she kept him waiting for a stupid amount of time
Stevie Nicks has cancelled tonight's Glasgow gig today. Some kind of leg surgery recovery thing. Surely she could've told people earlier? Also, it's her leg, not her bloody voice! Wheel yourself on, love!
Debbie Harry would never do that