
#tdih [T]he Philadelphia Police Department dropped a C-4 bomb on the home of the MOVE organization, killing eleven people — including five children — and wiping out 61 homes in two city blocks. (The mayor of Philadelphia was Black.)
May 13, 1985: Philadelphia Police Bomb The Philadelphia Police Department dropped a C-4 bomb on the home of the MOVE organization, killing eleven people (including five children) and wiping out half a city block.
MOVE had “run-ins” with the city dating back to 1978 under previous mayors, however. “The day Philadelphia bombed its own people”
The day Philadelphia bombed its own An oral history of a 1985 police bombing that changed the city forever.
There is a documentary about this called Let the Fire Burn, which is very good.
Let the Fire Burn -
It says a lot about this country that the first two air attacks on US soil were during a race massacre and a labor strike; and that besides WW2 the only other one was the MOVE bombing. It really drives home what the point of this whole thing is.
They dropped incindiaries and shot at people from planes during the 1921 Tulsa massacre too.
Yeah the same year, Tulsa and Blair Mountain.
I recall this story very well, had just graduated college & desperately was seeking a job… & news coverage just sorta shrugged & went ‘yeah so anyway… how bad was New Coke?’ (Wikipedia 1985 Events time line doesn’t mention 5/13/85 but there is a separate entry for the MOVE organization )
“The mayor of Philadelphia was Black.” Wilson Goode was able to do what Frank Rizzo always wanted to do, but couldn’t,, because he have been attacked by for being racist (which he was). Goode was easily pressured by the cops to drop a bomb on a middle class Black neighborhood.
Yeah, MOVE was having “run-ins” since 1978 under that mayor according to the Vox piece (2nd post). Pointing out the mayor who consigned the order to bomb a Black community is to show how the system can enact anti-Blackness racism no matter who is in office.
It’s easier to enforce anti Black policies when you can blame the Black mayor.
Or can claim Black support like with the crime bill and the so-called defund police.
Was just talking about this the other day.
It’s wild how casual the recollection this event has become. How many police depts have C-4 at the ready? How do they acquire it?
Well, the stand off was a few days, right? Perhaps “someone” just dropped it off at their doorstep?
Is this the famous White Santa I heard about from Megyn Kelly
I bet every swat team has gobs of C-4. It’s very common for breaching, doors and shaped charges and so forth. So I guess the question is how many police depts have a swat team — the answer is 89% of big city PDs. Pretty much all of them are equipped to bomb you if they have one chopper.
Geezus. That’s terrifying
Yeah! Copping it totally out of control.
Policing is. What a typing fiasco.
Oh you have no idea. I've been in a SWAT raid and am so thankful they didn't use flashbangs