Nun Ya

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Nun Ya

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So uh... anybody with a bigger megaphone than me want to help a butch out? The Gilbert Baker Foundation & CMG are asking a settlement from us for referring to the Gilbert Baker flag/original color scheme as the "Gilbert Baker flag" of twice what we've ever made from anything with those colors.
Who has two thumbs and got a legal threat from the lawyers for the Gilbert Baker foundation because he gave credit to Gilbert Baker as the creator of the original Pride flag on items that use that colorway? YEP!
Waiting in line is definitely my least favorite thing about being a regular person
Kevin Bacon says he recently tried to see how the other half lived. “I went to a special effects makeup artist, had consultations, and asked him to make me a prosthetic disguise,” Bacon said in an interview. He was thrilled at first to discover that “nobody recognized” him, but that soon faded.
Kevin Bacon wore a disguise to spend the day like a normal person and discovered it ‘sucked’ | As the game “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” suggests, actor Kevin Bacon is pretty famous, and has been for a long time. He recently tried to see how the other half lived.
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This photo is pure 2024.
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The Texas parole board has unanimously recommended a pardon for ex-Army sergeant Daniel Perry, who was convicted of murder for the 2020 killing of Black Lives Matter protester Garrett Foster
Texas parole board recommends pardon for Daniel Perry, convicted of killing BLM A Texas parole board unanimously recommended a pardon for Daniel Perry, convicted of murder for the death of Garrett Foster during 2020 protests.
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Homeowners can't get insurance in certain states because climate change is making it prohibitively expensive, but there's SEXUAL ASSAULT INSURANCE for churches
grooming industrial complex in shambles
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oh my god it's literally this
the latest Snowden leak: his brain from his ears
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So hey, here's a thing I don't think a lot of folks know: That whole "Patient Zero" thing? The French-Canadian airhost who supposedly spread HIV all over America? That's not real. That's not what happened or how it happened.
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I love the Englishmen on Twitter who posted about hearing a couple guys in a barber shop grumble that “everyone else has an Independence Day, why don’t WE??” He says he lightly asked, “Oh, really? Everyone? Well, who are they are declaring independence FROM?” and skipped out the door 😃
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absolutely scream-laughing at this dude on grindr who, when i asked him what his kinks are because he came on strong implying he had a bunch, replied with "doggy style." i CANNOT
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Oh it's like OVER over for Drake huh
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Anyway, this isn’t all bad—for me, quite the opposite. Some number of years ago I tried to lay out why I thought my childhood of being constantly exposed to terrifying things was actually a good thing…
Once again, in case you’re wondering why Gen Xers are “like this,” watch any Disney movie between Walt’s death & The Little Mermaid, the shit we were raised on. Tried to rewatch The Rescuers last night and it is utterly Bananapants that a single soul thought this was acceptable kids’ fare
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Oh really you love America? Name three people you've shot
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At the very least, this is by far the most hilarious option and therefore I fully support it
I don’t understand why everyone is so concerned about finding a replacement candidate when George Santos is *right there* He’d flip dem
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Wow, real banana republic stuff. I'm glad our presidents can launder money and associate criminally without worrying about this kind of thing.
Reports: Brazil police have indicted Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association
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An 80 mph chase along a heavily used interstate, into residential neighborhoods of a city whose people have said "no more police chases," wrecking an $90,000 vehicle...
For a couple of box fans.
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I guess that’s one way to get rear ended in public
Good thing Democrats gave so much money and protection to the police
need a bitch whose pussy looks like something H. P. Lovecraft would be unable to describe
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First you have to know where to go. If you don’t have a laptop, a phone with a browser, or access to a library’s internet, how are you going to find local services? I tried knocking on church doors when I was homeless and I got turned away almost everywhere
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Tip on the cost of what you were served. Not the what you were charged. If you BFF bartender comps a drink, include that in your tip, and do that for all service workers for everything you're served.
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“Aren’t there like free apartments or tiny houses?” They do not hand those things out like Halloween candy. As an unhoused person, you have to both EARN every scrap you are given, and get incredibly lucky by finding a social worker who personally likes you
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“Housing! Aren’t there housing programs???” Yeah there’s a decade-long waiting list you can get on, if you meet all the qualifications. One of the qualifications is often having a full time job Full time jobs for people without ID and cars are hard to find
Whatever happened to American freedom? This is bullshit. MAGA
ACA… wait.. wat?
4/8 ads were the exact same ad for this German gambling app
3/6 ads on the last break were the exact same German gambling app ad
3/6 ads on the last break were the exact same German gambling app ad
Why am I suddenly getting tons of German gambling app ads on the CW app? It's been about half the total ads starting this morning
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Idk but I’m pretty sure if you’re a really famous author and you go and sleep with women who are fans or work for you and are also way younger than you, that sure as heck raises lots of questions about consent