
Remember, Bluesky doesn't have an algorithm to push posts and the tagging system is under developed. See something you like? Repost it! Help your fav artists by sharing what you like.
Also - quote posting effects the numbers on the original post! I try not to quote post other artists' work becuase it takes away from their likes and retweets and profile exposure. I'm sure it's ultimately minimal but it's just one more thing to help out.
I have 2 playmats of your art and have been searching forever for the artist. Super glad you happened across my timeline
There is so much cool art here. I only repost stuff with alt text though 😅
This is an important reminder for users of Bluesky. Without an algorithm to boost posts and an underdeveloped tagging system, it's crucial for users to actively share and repost content they enjoy. By
Adult Content
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Algorithm i can forgive, but how tf do you guys not have tags? Isn't this basically a fediverse node/fork? Pretty sure that shit was full of those.
tags do work for finding stuff but they just aren't clickable to search that way. people use tags to form feeds all the time!
Exactly I do the same when I see someone's post about going live on twitch
Good to know, thanks. So how can you grow if barely anyone you know is on here? None of my posts are being seen...
Joining different feeds is probably your best bet
I must add that it does have a discover page, but you have to add it all manually in the # tab, you need to add it and then a tab at the top of the app will show, the algorithm is a self catering one, so it will feed you interests based in engagement
Reminds me of the tumblr days of yore!! 🫶
Really?? That’s very interesting. How does the Discover page choose what posts to show me if there’s no algorithm? Is it just whatever the most popular posts happen to be at that given time?
I have no idea how that works tbh.
It's an algorithm. Bluesky has an algorithm.
I think that’s it. Posts that people in your network interact with the most, be it via replies, likes, and reposts.
It looks at your friends list. Looks at the posts in your friends timelines that get the most interactions and shows those to you. I think, anyway.
This, a million times this. It's also a much better way to find things!