Pete Wade

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Pete Wade

Avid fisherman born and bred in the UK. Currently living in the West Midlands. Despise Donald Trump with a passion ever since he disrespected our Queen (I only hated him before that).
Dear President Biden. Please declassify the Epstein files. Kind Regards, Your ever supportive ally UK.
So how does this make Tubby good for the economy ? Asking for a friend.
Trump has threatened a 10% tariff on all imports. Tariffs can be used strategically, but a blanket tariff is effectively just a sales tax on American consumers. Trump's tariff tax would cost the average family an extra $1,500 year.
If the death of Navalny while jailed doesn't motivate Democratic voters in November, then I genuinely fear for the future of democracy in America. If anyone thinks that Putin's actions don't motivate Trump, then think again. When it's too late, it's too late. Vote Blue
My biggest take from the 2020 US election was the fact that there are AT LEAST 70+ million brain dead, low IQ knobheads in America. That is a spine chilling statistic to start your day off this Friday morning.
This "Special Council" report is a total political hit job on Biden. WTF was Garland thinking with his appointment of Hur? Hur couldn't put together enough evidence to guarantee a conviction so he simply decided to demean the best thing thats happened to America since Obama. Garland should be fired.
How ironic is it that the "squeaky clean" dirty money millionaire Joe Manchin told Jake Tapper that his "political colleagues" have voted down the Border Bill because they have put their own political interests above the needs of the country !!! And he finds it unbelievable !! What a fkn hypocrite.
Let's just hope that SCOTUS sees sense and returns Trump's immunity claim straight back to the lower courts and hopefully support the claim that S3 of the 14th Amendment does in fact disqualify him from ballots. How amazing would that be ? The UK is with you guys. Stay strong. #VoteBlue24
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