
To add to this, the classist jokes about how rural Americans are the cause of our political turmoil are extremely ironic. You can’t claim to be a supporter of the working class while also making fun of them and insinuating (or outright claiming) that they are the people who are making things worse
Honestly I feel deflated seeing the response to “depiction of white Christian nationalism ascendant” be cracks about inbreeding, or glee at concentrating these people in rural communities so they can eat their own
66% of rural voters identify/vote republican
I know they are in the majority, but that isn’t an excuse to make fun of people living in rural areas as a whole. There are still plenty of left leaning voters, minorities, and in general many working class people who are alienated by that kind of rhetoric. Not to mention 66% isn’t huge
no doubt making fun of them doesn't help to win their votes...but they also make up the largest portion of people who rely on governmental assistance but consistently vote against their best interests when they vote a little side eye is warranted