
Being annoying as praxis is only the first step. The second step is to gather likeminded neighbors and friends and ask each other how you can maximize your joint annoyingness. Congrats: this is called organizing, you’re building a base of your common man united on a common cause.
Then you and your organized group of annoying people KEEP GOING until you got the thing you were being annoying about. Rest assured that the people with power will do their best to make it hard for you to be annoying, up to and including state sanctioned violence. But there’s more of you than them.
Don’t let despair defeat you. There’s more of you than there is of them. They will try to break your spirit but there’s more of you than there are of them.
this. that’s why they rig elections, that’s why they stockpile guns, that’s why they puff their chests out and act tough. they’re in the minority. and at their core, they’re weak.
in any other country the phrase "the far right is stockpiling firearms" would be considered a national crisis and a sign of a coming civil conflict. in america, we just don't think about it! you do gotta hand it to us!
I think a lot about if I will die by a gun owner or a pickup truck here in Florida/hell
the year i left my home town in florida, a trans woman was shot at a bus stop (for being trans in public). no national newspaper touched the incident.
That’s just so disheartening
80% of trans floridians had our healthcare illegalized, we are functionally barred from all govt work (all trans people i knew who worked for the local university were fired after the bathroom ban which illegalizes us from using state-owned washrooms), yeah, it's bad! and no one talks about it!
They're more afraid of us than we are of them