Salty ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ

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Salty ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ

two dogs one bun that's how i roll
it's called a powerdrill it's like a screwdriver but instead of orange juice you use orange gatorade
snorting electrolyte powder
The Panasonic Q was a version of the Nintendo GameCube that featured a DVD player. It was exclusive to the Japanese market.
This app is going no where very fast. Not to mention the amount of hate and ANTIFA organizing that takes place in here.
Pressing my bare ass on every cold metallic surface while a trail of Greys follow behind me with Lysol wipes.
entering into a blood pact with my clone just to be even more annoying
toronto BJ sounds like something iโ€™d get at a post hardcore show not a baseball team (turning on the game)
massage gun kelly
They should invent a plant that gets you high
For a while I was rebuilding PCs from e-waste piles for fun, lots of times I'd try installing stuff and need to look up a particular error on a WiFi card from 2005 and I could usually find a forum where someone had that issue at the time and I could resolve it-- that's going to be impossible soon.
canโ€™t believe I get to live my dream of being a guy on the internet every day
Stealth, a movie about a plane that becomes evil after getting struck by lightning, contained a demo for Wipeout Pure on its UMD release where your vehicle has an exclusive livery resembling EDI, the plane so evil it downloaded every MP3 on the internet.
What on earth?
in the future, no one will know anything and everyone will be stupid. not because people got dumber, but because everything else got dumber
don't get me wrong! i love chit-chatting to people online in super hostile ways! i link the essay in my bio and yet i have a highly prolific online presence that exploits conflicts of personality to build a large personality that gets lots of attention! i am a hypocrite! but also, take it from me!
maybe at this point the hobby _is_ the discord server!
maybe if your hobby discord needs it's own lore page maybe it was a mistake!!
literally we're going back to pre world wide web days and you gotta "know a guy"
Tech support questions and open troubleshooting being almost entirely relegated to private Discord servers for a multitude of things over the last few years is terrible. It used to be you could search for obscure answers; now with Google being busted and Discords locking things down it's difficult
its not sensible to interpret things
i pray discord's demise will come with bluesky as a chat app, so that way we'll never have to deal with the stupid legacy username four numbers fiasco ever again
i pray that discord's demise will be a lesson in decentralization
oh whoopsies there was mod drama in the discord server for a database software and now the config file someone postsed that fixes a broken default install on your hardware is suddenly lost, like tears in the rain, because someone extended the "no politics" rule to cover links to the EFF's website
can't troubleshoot my linux install without an alt cuz i got banned from the discord server that the maintainer insists on using to answer all technical support questions
love when i finally find the solution to a problem i couldn't find in docs or wiki and it's because i had to join someone's discord server to see that someone actually had written that config file before, it's just posted on a freakin discord server that you gotta join first to see anything
Itโ€™s been a weird day
being on here with a bunch of other 30-40somethings has made me realize i'll be 89 years old in the nursing home and someone will be telling me about how they ousted agnes from the bingo table for the gross thing she said about male lesbians, and honestly, it's pretty funny to think about
i'm sorry but if your country is a "vital geo-strategic american ally" you cannot go around screaming at a bunch of american IDPs who earn below the poverty line that "their taxes are causing this". bitch. your taxes are causing this too. your country's military bases are part of this too.
anhedonia is a beautiful name for a girl