
Libraries are one of the most radical social institutions we have, because they’re based on the idea that *everyone* has the right to information, for free. It’s also what makes them crucial to democracy. I will never stop yelling about this!
Poor people use libraries. Rich people shut them down because they don't *want* poor people to read.
As a public librarian, we're not perfect, but one of the things we also try to provide is dignity. Need help filing unemployment? Can't read very well? Housing application? You're welcome here.
I am always SO impressed by the respect and care I have always seen librarians extend to every patron, no matter what they were looking for.
You haven’t known professionalism until you’ve had a grown man walk up and ask for books on “nippleation”. “I’m sorry, on what?” “Nippleation”. “I’m really not sure what you mean, can you spell it?” “…” “How about use it in a sentence?” “Like, if you nippleate a whole village”. 1/
Reader, he mean manipulation. Would have been far healthier to have taken him to the sex books, like the guy who came up and said he wanted a book but wasn’t sure how to pronounce the title so could he spell it, “sure!” “C-L-I-T-O-L-O-G-Y?” “All of our copies are missing, we could ILL it for you?”