
Poor people use libraries. Rich people shut them down because they don't *want* poor people to read.
Poor people also read. It is a harmful classist stereotype to think otherwise, and we should have moved past it by now.
Seattle’s public library system is currently experiencing a ransomware attack and it is the most enraging and frustrating kidnapping of one of the only spaces in the city where you aren’t expected to spend money. Librarians are checking out physical media and recording it on paper.
Drove to the Shoreline Branch of the King County Library system and am clearly one of many Seattle Public Library refugees. The very patient librarian told me the ran out of stamps mailing new cards to Seattle residents.
“Librarians—we find a way!” is what I imagine they say amongst themselves in the back room or conferences or something
It's more like sighing and saying "well I guess we're going to deal with this now." And then dealing with it. When I worked in public libraries (+12 years ago) there was a poster in the staffroom that said "we have done so much with so little for so long, we can make something out of nothing"
Or use computers, apply for jobs, learn things... (This is a "yes, and," not an opposition.)
Not to mention the other resources- Mine regularly offers help with resume writing + interview training, has a legal aid rep, a notary public, and a rental service that allows you borrow anything from crochet hooks to bike repair kits
Computers are expensive.
More to the point, libraries are places where people can use computers.
For an hour before it’s someone else’s turn. Can’t get much done in an hour, believe me.
Better than not having access to a computer at all. So I'll have to take it that you're arguing for more libraries with more computers to keep up with the demand.
I can type exactly one coherent email in an hour. That's maybe three paragraphs and 731 rewrites and corrections. ...and that's just my Out of Office.
No small number of decent sized library systems actually have a fairly large number of computers now and allow folks to take significantly more time on the computers without having to boot people off. My own library has something close to 40 computers not counting chromebooks for inhouse use.
The cheapest computer is prohibitively expensive to someone who can’t afford a cell phone without federal help.
There are perfectly fine used laptops readily available for like as low as 20 AUD or 30 AUD (Particularly if it's a organisation retiring their old fleet and just want to get rid of them). Install a Linux distro and that thing will run like it was new. Reduces e-waste and pays for itself long term
What is “AUD”? (Pardon me, I don’t know the lingo.)
this, exactly, what you said. My local library is now closed on weekends and closed at 5pm on weekdays because of this nonsense
It would make more sense to close it on a weekday and open it on the weekend. And having literally no times a person who works an in-person job can go to the library should be banned.
This is terribly close to where we are heading in NYC. The Mayor’s budget cuts have already led to closure on Sundays and now Saturday is on the chopping block. Meanwhile, it’s unlimited breadsticks for the police department. It is just breathtaking.
Well, I think it's their summer hours, for kids not at school but still
Wouldn’t you want people looking for employment or without a safe place to go during the day to have library as a place to go though?
Obviously I would want it open all days, do all people have a safe place to stay on the weekend? Where is someone in a terrible job going to look for employment when the library is closed whenever they get off work supposed to do?
Yes, my point is simply to emphasize that when resources are limited it is most equitable to prioritize the needs of the most disadvantaged and marginalized people.
Also true. The library is not a business, but a public resource. And as one, that's where it's priorities should be 100%
There is also a difference between reading books and hoarding them as a status symbol.
I was always "Yah, libraries are great I guess" but since having a kid they are a freaking lifeline! Almost every day there's a free storytime for my toddler where we can meet other families in the area. They also lend out free passes to local zoos, museums and Sesame Place
The greatest resource! We also have a section they call the library of "things" paint sprayers, levels, cookie cutters , digital cameras etc. ^ of course, I also do storytime, now with my grands! I freaking love my #library
libraries are where a lot of survivors learn how to survive
as a kid, the library was right up there with "church, 45 mins before the service" as a Quiet Place to Escape the Screaming. Right-wing mindset == Abuser Mindset.
i totally understand these moments of peace in the presence of others 🫂
It literally is the abuser mindset. We should stop tolerating these abusers
They have little libraries because they gave the book to a friend after they finished it, because that friend gave them another book after they finished reading it. 'Poor people don't hoard books' is not the put down the classists think it is.
Whatever "Red" has in their library, it doesn't include The Great Gatsby:
This is exactly what I was going to say! This dude really thinks rich people live in Jay Gatsby’s mansion.
(And thinks that they read the books in those libraries, which Gatsby did not.)
Whereas there was a thing not long ago about rich folks buying basically painted cardboard for fake bookshelves! Or cultivated spreads of books they don't read in order to "look smart." The bespectacled guy here was close to "getting" it.
He got it perfectly well. The books were for display and visual impressiveness only. But unlike some people today, Gatsby probably didn’t color-code his books because he’s trying to look rich and well-read, not provide “a pop of color.”
It's been some time since I read it so I wasn't entirely sure how sincere he was in his seeming praise!
He’s complimenting Gatsby for going above and beyond to create a good-looking illusion.
it smacks of TikTok financspirational lifestyle content that elevates "rich people behavior" to hook people they then pitch pricey financial advice workshops to
And books are more expensive than TV sets, even big ones. That's why we need libraries. A quick look suggests you could buy in the region of 10-20 books (not academic books) for the cost of a 55" smart TV