
yes, i voted for Hilary and Biden the first time. but genocide is in fact a dealbreaker for me, unlike you libs clearly
Wait, if he’s senile/sundowning, then how is he a mastermind behind a genocide? What??? He’s not Dianne Feinstein, a Senator with a easier job and just voting and shit. He has to have full ass phone calls and master plans.
so you think i should vote for him because he's too senile to intervene to stop a genocide?
His so called “senile” ass has tried to broker a ceasefire deal multiple times with Israels stubborn evil ass government. Im not Biden’s biggest fan in this area but this sounds like when Republicans say Biden is a evil criminal mastermind but also senile.
How the hell did this go from stutter denial to talking about Israel-Palestine? I’m done with this convo lol. Take care
because you want me to vote for biden. why did you come into my mentions if you don't want to talk about why i refuse to vote for biden?
Are you going to not vote at all or just not tick the box next to his name while voting for other people on the ticket ?
i'm voting third party actually, i plan to vote for jill stein
why would that matter? should i be okay with genocide based on what state i live in?
Not voting for Biden means enabling fascists to take over America so that they can commit crimes against We the People. Being opposed to fascism is a good thing, being selectively opposed not so much.
why do 'We the People' matter more than the tens of thousands of people biden is killing in palestine? i don't oppose fascism selectively. i oppose all fascism. which is why i won't vote for any candidate who supports the fascist, genocidal israeli government.
Both are wrong but your actions against Biden do selectively enable fascism here in America.
you didn't answer my question. why do you care about crimes against 'We the People' more than the crimes against Palestinian people? do you view them as less of people?
I did answer your question by saying that both are wrong. You haven't answered my question as to why you are selectively enabling fascism.
a vote for either biden or trump is a vote for enabling fascism and genocide. the difference here is you appear to believe it's okay to enable fascism and genocide as long as it only affects a certain race of people who don't look like you i guess.
Hi, since the threat of fascism is so urgent could you a) explain to me why the Democrat party chose a man who looks like a walking corpse as their nominee and b) point me in the direction of where your anti-fascist militias and strike committees are being formed to resist fascism?
It doesn’t matter what state you live in. They just want somebody else to blame if Trump wins.