Horace V. Wigglesworth

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Horace V. Wigglesworth


Semper Vigilante
Big part of Starmer's psychology is Big Dick, Very Important Barrister posturing. Thornberry was a rival and contemporary of his coming up in the legal world, same with Shami Chakrabarty, petty victories over people like that are entirely in keeping with the sort of person he is.
OK - the gauntlet has been thrown down, the low hanging fruit (onshore windfarms, putting Timpson in the cabinet etc) has been picked, its time to start getting organised and active, in your union, on the streets etc, because there's a big fight coming.
Guy in Scotland continuously flying the flag of whoever's playing against England in the Euros
Make a band meatier Ocean Colour Bream
Make a band meatier The Pet Chop Boys (I'm so sorry)
Make a bank meatier The Grousemartins
Make a band meatier: Porkwind (umm. Hawkwind? Ever heard of them.)
obv a lot of things in the press were designed to drive you mad during the corbyn years but one of the biggest was that i & many otherwise sensible people started follow PMQs regularly, bc every week he'd turn in a strong and insightful performance and it'd be reported like he shit himself and died
Gonna update this and possibly add a word filter thingy like the UK Politics and Premier League feeds, but as far as I can tell this is the only feed out there for old UK Twitter Shitposters, Momentum Thugs, Corbynite Cultists and "This you?" pedants, give it a follow bsky.app/profile/did:...
France 24 is great viewing right now, get it on if you can
Oh man just drink this is, Lee Harpin will be punching mirrors and crying himself to sleep for weeks based on the amount of salt in this article:
Daily reminder - if you get blocked, you win. You should collect blocks like trophies. It's a tacit acknowledgement they can't handle the Bantz. It's the most humiliating form of surrender going.
People keep coming out with this like it matters. So what? It'll make him exactly the same 90% of the MP's in Britain. Just because you've gotta write down your bribes in the "Big Book of Legal Bribes" doesn't make any actual difference, look at the donations Wes Streeting's had if you doubt me.
Daily reminder - if you get blocked, you win. You should collect blocks like trophies. It's a tacit acknowledgement they can't handle the Bantz. It's the most humiliating form of surrender going.
*extremely centrist voice* White people refuse to vote Labour because of legitimate concerns about refugees and ethnic minorities. I vote Labour because I'm making tough choices. Ethnic minorities refuse to vote Labour because they're sectarian.
Right, this is simple. If you vote for a transphobic party, IT DOESN'T MATTER IF DEEP IN YOUR HEART YOUR NOT TRANSPHOBIC! You've consciously and deliberately chosen to act in such a way that will harm trans people. Your actions are what matters, not your consciences.
And if you support Joe Biden right now you are saying “I really don’t care about my tax dollars being used to facilitate the mass slaughter of Palestinians.” Own. Up. To. It.
OK so now the election is over the priority has to be getting ready for Starmer and Reeves cuts to kick and build a strong anti-austerity movement, protests strikes demos sit-ins etc, the Labour party isn't popular and this is as good as it will get for them, so lots of opportunity coming our way
Not even one day and she’s at it already
how we all doing today?
Wes Streeting nearly lost his seat to an independent. Labour are fucked in 5 years.
Apparently there's a chance that Stamer's Labour will end the election with fewer votes than Corbyn got in 2019
Thangam Debbonaire is down! Richly deserved, one of the worst people in parliament.
Long Live Jeremy Corbyn, eat shit Starmer
Daily Reminder - this result is the victory Corbyn should've had in 2019 had we not gone in for a 2nd referendum and if Reform hadn't have stood down for the Tories.
Americans coming into contact with exotic foreign cultures will never be anything but hilarious to me
Wait, Labouour is 🟥 and Tories are 🟦? Talk about backwards politics.
Wes Streeting "Do a drugs test" challenge
Tell you what, imagine if Reform hadn't stood down for the Tories in 2019....
Yup, remember this moment, they're not bothered about beating the Tories, even today their only interest is to attack and degrade the left. That's why you can *never* forgive them, you'll never be anything but their worst enemy if you don't share their warped Thatcherite view of the world.
Hell site is absolutely full of centrists gloating and reposting anyone that's ever said anything critical of Starmer like it's some gotcha moment. Yay! Hopelessness prevailed. Well fucking done lads. You've won absolutely fuck all.
This has got to be one of the best Stancilisms yet. The Twitter Class! 😄 🤣 😂
Basically the Twitter Class is attempting a party coup