KATABAY! @ watching HiGH&LOW

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KATABAY! @ watching HiGH&LOW


I also sign my art as KASTILLO (prev CARDINAL) ⭐️ (late 20s | he/him | filipino)

original art, fan art, history, many varied interests. I like drawing comics
Art by • Jean deMers
Sexually Suggestive
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I really like seeing color flatters credited on comic book credits pages. They deserve it. Make that standard practice.
It particularly drives me mad when they claim AI allows disabled people into the industry...a large % of the arts industry (like me) ARE disabled, and work as freelance creatives in large part because we aren't accommodated in 'regular' work environments. AI is taking away our only available income.
there is an emergency shortage of esims, we offer thank you art in appreciation for keeping families in touch, but more importantly, these esims do not last long.
Help the urgent need for families to reconnect by purchasing e-sims using this guide and receive thank you art from a co-op member. details: cartoonist.coop/esims4gaza
Gaze An Eagle Blind website has had a few updates: - RSS feed added - Gallery with all available art for viewing - 3 prose short stories as teasers gazeaneagleblind.com
”—ah. seems like mother goose has been playing around in your egg salad. if you won’t dance to that tune, I got others.”
Frank 💀THE PUNISHER💀 Castle
some black forceps/ブラックペアン fan art
Cartoonists absolutely wish publishers knew this trick! If you paid us a monthly salary and gave us health insurance it would not take us 5 years and countless side projects to make a graphic novel.
'Bout to explain to the hospital the "business of comics" and "why some months I make 10k, and then for 6 months straight make no money at all."
I see we've reached the "famous artist credibly accused of sexual assault wasn't actually a great artist and you're a chump for liking him" phase. Consider that pretending terrible people can't make great art helps terrible people who make great art whedon their way into vulnerable communities.
someone’s hands have always been inside of you
apropos of uhhhhhhh everything, reposting this again
As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
accidentally, a comic that was supposed to be about Merlin and Arthur turned into a comic about Kay and Merlin (& before anyone says anything: the spelling shift between Cei to Kay mid scene is intentional)
life under authoritarian regimes is like war: most Americans don’t know that it’s often really normal and boring, up until the rarer, horrible moments when it isn’t
Pretty much. What it mostly boils down to is that most Americans really don’t have the faintest idea what living under modern authoritarian regimes actually looks like, and how it’s often at the same time way more boring and way more scary than they’d imagined.
since pride month is wrapping up, please consider checking out SONG OF THE BULL RIDER by @moonsheen.bsky.social ! art by me it has: 🌈 NB/intersex protag + queer cast 🏹 archery superiority ⚔️ war! action! 🐍 political poison 😳 spicy D/S scenes 🐂 cow appreciation littlefoolery.com/songofthebul...
If someone records you without your consent for social media content, I think you should be able to beat them senseless with your bare hands or the nearest available knockabout implement.
Don't look at the reflection 🍂
Freelancers, don’t ever let a prospective client try to justify a low page rate by saying, “but there are a lot of pages!” If you take into account your average time spent per page, (which isn’t going to change,) you’re being lowballed. It’s a bullshit argument. Walk away.
Here's lovely little chestnut of info for you. Read lots more Better Letterer infographics at blambot.com/pages/letter...
Biological Retribution 🍎 A couple is ejected from the Garden of Eden, their punishment the eternal burden of reproduction. Going through some old pieces on twitter and thinking about what to bring over... Gonna pick some of my favorite pieces first~
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Francesco Filelfo & F. Masi Bruni, 1433
francesco filelfo and cosimo de’ medici, around 1433 probably
So sorry political candidates texting me links, all my money has gone at last to every gofundme and mutual aid for what the government will not pay for.
one of my favorite things about comics is getting excited about the medium itself and figuring out new ways to use the storytelling tools at my disposal. there are just so many fun and weird and unique ways to communicate with comics!!
Crassus & Lucullus; afternoon villa conversations
THE BROTHER EMPERORS, VALENTINIAN AND VALENS (with a lot of heavy inspiration coming from Subleyras’ paintings featuring Valens and Theodosius)
be less afraid to create clumsy comics. awkward tangents. amateur lettering. weird sequentials and pacing. You Can Just Make it. you dont need to be trapped in a cycle of perfectionism and imposter syndrome when you could have a finished work instead. print that thing out and staple it!!!