Alexander Chee

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Alexander Chee

Novelist and essayist, most recently author of How to Write an Autobiographical Novel. Professor of Creative Writing at Dartmouth College. He/him.
Rereading Nabokov’s Speak Memory and realizing I don’t think of it as a memoir in essays.
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Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
They’re being very explicit about their fantasies and explicit plans
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
Shocking scenes as a major G7 country votes decisively for the not completely shitty option
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
these people do not intend to ever lose power again
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
Colossal has long been one of my favorite sites. Excited to see them here.
Artist Hitomi Terasawa drew a meticulous cross-sectioned rendering of Hong Kong's infamous Kowloon Walled City before it was razed in 1994. Now we have rare scans revealing the inner workings of the labyrinth-like metropolis.
My cousin gave me some of his late mother in law’s edibles and now I feel like a golden retriever hanging out a car window on a summer day and also strangely fond of this woman I never really knew.
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
This is my friend Walaa Safi, she has paraplegia due to the war and can't afford her medications. The campaign will help Walaa buy her medications and improve. Please consider donating to help ease Walaa's life during this challenging time.❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 she deserves a better life. 🙏
Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza, organised by Amanda Hi, I am Amanda and I am a Brit who has become friends with a family and… Amanda Gray needs your support for Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
This is what I said yesterday. Harris won't get on the ballot in a lot of states, period the end. Utter chaos. Cope w Biden being the candidate people. He's it.
I sure hope all the Dems calling for Biden to step aside have gamed out the fuckery that the Heritage Foundation is planning
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
You can have concerns about Biden's age, but still be absolutely appalled about editorial choices that convey the issue as more important than the Supreme Court offering a pre-emptive thumbs up to a criminal presidency
I have been saying since February that major media are 100% devoted to But Her Emails 2, but I didnt imagine it would get this bad. The day after SCOTUS stops the law applying to Trump, we have to scroll thru 4 fucking top stories on “Biden old” & an ad before getting to anything on SCOTUS decision
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
Congrats to all the profs at elite law schools who loudly vouched for John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch when they were nominated. Hope you placed your students in some nice clerkships.
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
It's important to note that Trump tried to order this at least twice we know of during his regime.
right. the president could order troops to suppress protesters using live fire and the supreme court would extend that absolute immunity
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
16 per cent of Americans agree with the statement that ‘the government, media and financial worlds in the US are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping paedophiles who run a global child sex trafficking operation.’ RFK Jr is their man. Deborah Friedell:
Deborah Friedell · On RFK ‘I have cognitive problems, clearly,’ RFK Jr said under oath twelve years ago, suggesting that the cause was...
Avatar is a doctor in Gaza, and the fundraiser for his sister and family is now at 20%, please donate if you can.
Hello beloved friends . Pay attention please This is last chance to save my sister’s spinal cord , she has injuries of spinal cord and can’t walk , need urgent surgery and urgent evacuation, do ur best repost and donate. 🍉🍉💔🇵🇸
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
Brb declaring myself a corporation so I can have some rights
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
No shame in feeling scared, overwhelmed and not knowing what to do. To me feeling one's feelings doesn't preclude taking action. These are confusing times. Give yourself some grace.
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
Today’s SCOTUS immunity ruling was a political ruling more than a legal ruling, as is seen by the lack of law in Chief Justice John Roberts’s 6-3 opinion for the conservatives. My Law Dork report:
Roberts's majority backs Trump in finding an expansive presidential Sotomayor's dissent for the liberals warned of her "fear for our democracy."
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I just logged in for my daily dose of depressing job searching and all the "AI editor" jobs are disappearing without a trace. Is nature healing?
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
"This means that if Trump returns to office, he will have free rein to wield the Justice Department as he sees fit—and he and his allies have already given plenty of indications as to what they plan to do." Alito and Thomas serve a very useful function in drawing attention away from Roberts.
John Roberts Casually Obliterates Independent Justice The Supreme Court chief justice used Donald Trump’s immunity ruling to wreck the concept of an independent Department of Justice.
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
Really am perplexed that the pushback question from the Court was “Could the President assassinate a political rival?” and not, more specifically, “Could POTUS assassinate one of us?”
Biden now has the authority to order the military to execute every justice who voted to give him that authority
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
I started my career reporting on how people were using the Internet in dictatorships, and if there's one BIG thing I learned from talking to a bunch of people who literally had served jail time for political blogging, it was "choose your battles wisely, and don't say dumb things in dumb places."
if there is one survival skill I would REALLY like everyone opposed to the fascist GOP to learn right now, it's "do not say things on the public internet that will provide authorities with useful pretenses for coming after you."
Reposted byAvatar Alexander Chee
As Justice Sotomayor explains, today's Supreme Court decision on Trump immunity transforms America from a land of "no more Kings" to one of "no, more Kings."