
the empathy divide also encompasses those who can look at a problem happening to other people and see it as a problem, and those who are only capable of seeing something as a problem if it happens to them personally
Increasingly convinced the core divide in humanity is between those who suffer a traumatic, destabilizing event (as we all do) and believe everybody else should have to, too, and those who suffer such an event and hope they are the last person ever to do so.
I wish i knew how to bridge that gap with people. I think a big hurdle is that people who are experiencing bad shit somehow deserve it by ways of personal choices (more vocalized reason) or by ways of being part of a certain demographic who has been characterized as bad (more implied reason)
I’ve talked to my parents a bunch about “illegal immigration” and its a big thing for them to say “i came here legally, so should everyone else” and I’m pretty sure everyone would love to come here legally