
UPDATE: NY Governor Kathy Hochul said on CNN last night that she is considering a ban on masks. This is absolutely shameful! New York has suffered so much from COVID, and COVID is not over. We should be normalizing and depoliticizing masks, not banning them.
it is frightening to people? a surgical mask? who are these snowflakes?
Proper N95s if you're serious about keeping people safe.
yes! but she mentioned surgical masks specifically here
It's my automatic reaction. I'm an immunocompromised medical activist. My survival hinges on people around me taking adequate precautions. I've essentially been banned from public life thanks to inadequate COVID response.
makes perfect sense and you were wise to bring it up!!!
I have to mask up in a medical grade N95 anytime I go out despite severe lung disease + pleuritis (hurts to breathe deep). I have unusual advantages, a background in meditation and deep breathing among other things, but regardless I have very little patience for people who refuse to be responsible.
Chronic hypoxemia is bad enough without a mask. I have to put an O2 mask over the n95 and run oxygen if I want to be able to think somewhat clearly.
wow, I am so sorry you have to deal with that! that is a huge burden to have to take on just to protect yourself and function in public we as a society owe you and everyone facing similar challenges so much better
I only go out for medical appointments anymore. With my health issues, that's hard enough. I was already going through health issue hell before COVID existed. My diagnosis list is high octane nightmare fuel which doesn't fit within the character limit. I appreciate the sympathy.