
UPDATE: NY Governor Kathy Hochul said on CNN last night that she is considering a ban on masks. This is absolutely shameful! New York has suffered so much from COVID, and COVID is not over. We should be normalizing and depoliticizing masks, not banning them.
Pre-pandemic laws banning masks from group events were always harmful. We should have learned from the pandemic that we need to do more to normalize public health tools like masks. After seeing so much death and harm that is continuing, it makes no sense to roll back mask laws.
ACTION ALERT: Contact Governor Kathy Hochul & say that you are against banning masks in NY, & she should issue a statement retracting her comments on CNN supporting a mask ban. Call: 518-474-8390 (press 1 to leave a message, press 2 to speak to a person) Write:
Governor Contact
you can kill two birds with one stone! tell her that you oppose a mask ban AND that you support congestion pricing (which will improve air quality) in the same call! no need to wait on hold twice :)
In the last week, Kathy Hochul has: - attempted to cancel congestion pricing (so increasing pollution) - issued a warning about hazardous air quality in NY state - said she wants to ban respiratory masks in public
Yes! Both are things which make public health worse!
I just called, and mentioned the mask ban, the congestion charge, and the soldiers she placed to inspect people at gunpoint. Just shameful behavior all around.
Basically, we should all just call Hochul and tell her to keep her hands off the MTA.
My email I sent to Gov. Hochul's office:
While you’re at it, mention this: “The global average concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in May 2024 was 5.9 parts per million (ppm) higher than in May ‘22. This is the highest two-year increase in CO2 levels ever recorded, NOAA announced on June 6.”
May 2024: Earth's 12th-consecutive warmest month on record » Yale Climate The year 2024 is being given a 50-75% chance of surpassing 2023 as Earth's warmest year on record.
Its absolutely shameful and harmful. There is no apology strong enough to undo the harm once someone gets sick and bares the long term consequences of it.
Wearing masks in 🇯🇵 has been culturally normal for a long time. In normal times mask-wearing is related to allergies. It translated well to Covid without the monumental stupid here in the US.
Hochul for governor: congestion on the streets, congestion in your lungs
Hochul for Governor: Apply mouth directly to tailpipe.
In the last week, Kathy Hochul has: - attempted to cancel congestion pricing (so increasing pollution) - issued a warning about hazardous air quality in NY state - said she wants to ban respiratory masks in public
You'te right about congestion pricing and masks, but there actually was elevated ozone one day this week. (A good day to wear a mask, actually.)
I'm not saying the air quality warning was inaccurate; the point is the dissonance between that and the other two things
After all NY suffered in the pandemic - they want to take away one of the few individual actions a person can take to make being in public safer bc they are mad people are protesting the war in Gaza. Unfuckingbelievable.
My neighbors were stuffed in fridge trucks because they died too quickly and in such high numbers but sure let’s stop even “you do you”
My masks are the only reason I feel safe in this world anymore.
With the speed they moved, and the adamant way in NC they fought medical exemptions, I think these laws were already in the works. I suspect it is the difficulty employers have with wanting to force workers to unmask without risking headlines. No public/employee outcry if the government does it.
The employers were quiet for three years and just suddenly all want action now. No. Hochul said herself this was in response to the protests. As did NC.
For Hochul, you are probably right. She’s big on adopting GOP framing for aesthetic reasons.
There’s a long tradition of conservatives crafting laws in advance then using a crisis as a pretext to pass them. The sheer unwillingness of the NC GOP to budge on health exemptions for the workplace says this might be one of those.
it is frightening to people? a surgical mask? who are these snowflakes?
The people who still mask make them those who stopped uncomfortable, and they desperately need to be able enforce their will on anyone who makes them feel that way. This lets them call the cops on mask wearers, which is the go-to white middle class response to discomfort.
Proper N95s if you're serious about keeping people safe.
yes! but she mentioned surgical masks specifically here
It's my automatic reaction. I'm an immunocompromised medical activist. My survival hinges on people around me taking adequate precautions. I've essentially been banned from public life thanks to inadequate COVID response.
makes perfect sense and you were wise to bring it up!!!
I have to mask up in a medical grade N95 anytime I go out despite severe lung disease + pleuritis (hurts to breathe deep). I have unusual advantages, a background in meditation and deep breathing among other things, but regardless I have very little patience for people who refuse to be responsible.
This is outrageous. She is the governor for like 600 people in the city who only see the city from the window of a town car and are on the phone with her everytime they see something that upsets them. Actively terrible on every level.
I could hear the pearl clutching on the last bit.
next time body bags start piling up forget central park, governor's mansion is where they should be dropped off
holy smokes i never heard of the guy who made that jacket and after like ten minutes of reading about him and watching him speak on youtube WOW he was remarkable
i envy you just hearing about him now! he was a phenomenal artist and activist!
Also update ER numbers are currently going back up lol 💀😫
She is trying to make us miss Cuomo
This is almost certainly an ADA violation, no?
write "fuck hochul" on the mask and it becomes a 1st amendment violation too
She showed how much she gives a shit about the ADA when she cut off money meant to be used to put elevators in the subway system to appease five assholes from Long Island.
Yeah maybe we can call in a violation and someone with their pants up to their nipples can put their hands on their hips and look dissappointed That's always what works in the world
That’s one way to keep me off the subway, which, given the contemporaneous blocking of congestion pricing, may be the point of all this.