
Dementia, the one problem human beings face as they age
Congressional Republicans have a new plan to reorganize NIH and it's a doozy. One thing that stands out is replacing the National Institute On Aging with a new institute titled the National Institute on Dementia. Yikes.
With sweeping NIH reform on the table, GOP previews new era of research There seems to be broad agreement that change is coming for the NIH. It's just a matter of how much — and which institutes see their fates upturned.
To be Scrupulously Fair, the ball has been being dropped on effective response to the incidence of Alzheimer's ever since the days of Reagan.
research into dementia is incredibly important but so is research into other age-related medical issues NIH is funding a lot of initiatives on dementia right now through the National Institute on Aging; changing the name of the Institute isn’t going to make the work go any faster
I didn't claim the move was productive or smart. Just that there is legit motivation to really draw attention to dementia specifically.