
Because I have no one to answer to, here are some new thumb nails from my weekend of work on the comic Not A Typewriter.
I'm in the process of getting a story editor or copywriter to take a look at my script for the updated Perils of the Lantern King comic. That has 34 pages of thumbs with dialog. I realized as I was about to thumb the ending, it lacked a bit of narrative clarity. Doesn't hurt to let that breath a bit
The To Wander comic is also getting a face lift now that I realize I don't know where I was going with it after pushing forward with an idea I didn't like. I doing some reference photo scouting because that is a fun skill to have. I also added a Greek Chorus to make the plot more explicit.
Almost everything else is none narrative comic strips that I don't worry much about. I'm about half way through writing all the 2025 Yo Free Pizza! strips, I'm penciling new Anxious Potato strips featuring Duper Dan, and for whatever reason a started a workplace comedy strip because I hate myself.
Did I mention I also have a day job but no kids?