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DM Larson

✏️ Cartoonist
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Way out where the dandelions grow
Reposted byAvatar BootlegPotato
Ok, I’m gonna say you guys made me post it 😆 #comics
I made a meme but I’m scared to post it 😅
Happy "my car window just got smashed in with a rock" to that one person who celebrated.
So many implications with this conversation. #Comic #Webcomic
Everyone hang in there. Take time for mental health and to fend off burn out. Look out for each other.
I really need to do a better job at spell checking. I shouldn't have this much trouble spelling wiener. Anyway here is a new Bootleg Comix page with some "deep lore." #Webcomic #Comic
I've said web portals and web rings need to comeback but so does link sections on websites. I want to know what webcomics your friends make. What hyper specific YouTube series do you recommend? Know any good blogs? We gotta find a way to share the good stuff in this sea of auto generated nonsense.
If you don't bother to read the dialog, old Betty & Veronica comics give the impression they are about a cute lesbian couple trying to enjoy a day at the beach but this one dufus keeps interrupting them. #comics
The rubber gasket used in the very particular toilet in my apartment is slow leaking again after being replaced 9 months ago. Far from worst problem I'm currently dealing with but it makes me question if I'm a NPC in a petty version of the Sims.
I like this panel. It is a lesson from a bygone era.
Reposted byAvatar BootlegPotato
Okay, so I'm going to post a thread now about using Clip Studio Paint, about color settings, ICC color profiles, outputting to CMYK, getting 100% K in your blacks, etc. Technical shit. If you're struggling with this, read the thread. I'll reply to myself here, and it'll take a little time... 1/many
I present this comic strip without commentary. #comics #webcomics
So the 1999 Mummy movie had two sequels and FIVE spinoffs (Scorpion King 1 through 5). The last one came out in 2018, a year after the Tom Cruise reboot. I don't know what to do with this information.
Weekend Efforts Penciled a new page 10 for this Merfolk Barbarian short to give it a Tower of the Elephant twist and thumbed the last page. Added a bunch of details to other pages and made sure continuity looks right. There is a bit more penciling to go but I can probably start inking. #comics
Another panel that got cut from To Wander's montage section. The idea being that Curio (the barbie doll naked alien character) would wander into other stories but I power loaded the idea into the montage and then didn't have anywhere to go with it when it came time to actually tell a story with it.
I feel like I might of had a setup strip before this one but I can't find one. So clearly I just wanted to jump to the bare butt joke again. #Webcomics #Comics
I think I spelled wiener wrong in this Bootleg Comix strip. #comic #WebComic
I don't advertise the specifics of my posting schedule because no one is paying attention. BUT for the last 5 years it has been new going comic page on Tuesday, process art on Wednesday, and a comic strip on Thursday. For last two-ish years it has been a new Yo Free Pizza! strip.
Because I have no one to answer to, here are some new thumb nails from my weekend of work on the comic Not A Typewriter.
Probably should share this with everyone. The context is that practicing "do not engage" and "block freely" will make platforma like Bluesky and Cara boring for bad faith actors and trolls. We already knew this back in the early days of the internet and we didn't practice it then either.
It confounds me that people don't remember one of the oldest rules on the internet that was plastered acrossed every message board in the early 2000s. "Don't feed the trolls." It is literally rule 14 on that infamous list where we get "rule 34." Block for everyone's mental health.
I keep forgetting to post stuff relavent to seasonal events. Since 2020 I've been posting a Saturday morning cartoon themed comic and last year I finally made it explicit that it is a queer story. #pride
I still get tripped up and think 2020 was just last year. In general I feel that anything 8 years ago is "recent memory" but I get it. 4 years is a kid's entire run in high school. That is a significant amount of time. That said, I'm almost 40. I've done that about 10 times at this point
Despite having bookshelves in every room but the bathroom, it can feel like a novelty to read a physical book at times. A "let me show you this thing" level novelty. #Webcomic #ComicStrip
Is there a German word for getting a profound sense of being old from discovering the existence of a Pokémon that not only confuses you deeply but also upsets you because you can't process that it was created more than a decade ago. Is this the cosmic horror staring back at me from the abyss?
Are pandas actually giant ferrets? The give off reckless ferret energy.
This is a bigger can of worms but RSS needs to be a standard everyone uses. Not just for podcast feeds and WordPress blogs. We also need a WEB based RSS reader that doesn't have the feed limitations of Feedly, Inoreader, and The Old Reader.
Web portals need to make a comeback. I need some human curated recommendations sorted by category.