
Saw “did all of your volunteers take the night off, you’re severely understaffed, you should know better!” post in regards to AC having reg line issues and my friend in christ you can go over to con ops and volunteer at any point in time.
This specifically was the most tone deaf complaint I have seen about the situation. “YOU NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS!” Oh, really, you know this sounds like an issue that you can help fix by doing this one simple trick…
Complain all you want about everything else but maybe don’t complain specifically about a shortage of volunteers at the volunteer run event you are attending if you do not plan to volunteer.
This being said. Furry cons should seriously consider switching to an electronic solution for attendance badges. Because cons are so big now. Personally I think a solution would be sending attendees a QR code to their phones that they can then get scanned when they walk in con spaces.
A good idea but more easily faked than a badge
It depends on the complexity of the information in the QR code.
FWA has attendees fill out their information in an account they make via, and there's a barcode on their account. Attendees show up with either the printed barcode, or it on their phone screen, it gets scanned, IDs gets checked, and then they get a wristband.
No I mean you just get a screenshot of it and bam a ton of people now have the image
Hmm good point. Still there must be a solution that would work better than the same old way they've gone about it since 1997.
I don't think the logistics would work out here. Bandwidth bottlenecking would be awful, on top of people being about to share their badges.
Honestly people really need to realize that cons, especially the larger ones, could use a lot of support from their attendees, and one of the best way to support a con (and stave off boredom between events you plan on attending) is volunteer. Heck, a lot of cons even have benefits for volunteers!
The second part’s the important bit, though. I get the feeling they’d have more volunteers if they were able to help cover more of those volunteers’ expenses. Say, a gift card to a nearby restaurant or a hotel gift card to cover a part of the bill for offering to work reg day 1 when it’s busiest.
People just love to bitch, pretty sure the con I helped run had a core group of people who only attended so they could bitch, and whine how it's changed...
It’s hard to justify even getting there when I see so many issues from afar
Sweet Jeezus, the sheer entitled "why isn't someone else fixing this for me?!"
There were more volunteers, problem is they were stuck in line for registration too.
Wonder if ac has also experienced a 50% increase in attendees o-o