
i need you to understand how massively privileged your position is & that you telling people to vote for their familys killer is beyond abhorrent. you are a disgraceful excuse of a human. absolutely soulless and spineless. your comfort is not more valuable than actual human lives. go fuck yourself
your taxdollars and politicians are funding a genocide and you support those perpetrating it because of potential hypotheticals. well fucking done. MLK warned the world about people like you. the world did not forget his words & it will not support the ongoing genocide or its perpetrators.
I literally knew who you'd be talking to before I scrolled up, that's how much this person has been posting through it
lol they couldve just deleted and self-reflected but no. they had to double down on their literal “vote for your family’s killer” take. hell hath no fury like a liberal being held accountable for saying barbarically inhumane things to grieving families of the victims of genocide.
I’ve learned that once you don’t shuck and jive to the white liberal’s tune they’re just as vicious as any republican.
yuuup. the slightest opposition to their leadership’s bloodthirsty imperialism will have them ripping off every paper-thin mask of humanity they got and going full reactionary. going from pretending to care about potential republican harm to fully hoping we get the worst of it when it comes.
I must admit I been getting a lot of mileage out of this meme I made and it makes me sad to say that but it says a lot about the liberal mindset that I made it altogether.
I had an entire paragraph typed out about my use of the "don't blame me, I voted for kodos" image but I couldn't find it in gif keyboard so deleted 😞
lol I’ve used that one too. I should make a version that we can just drop in rather than having to explain it
If only 30 year old episodes of the Simpsons weren't able to succinctly explain our most intractable social problems.