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from the river to the sea
on wait list for therapy
Reposted byAvatar c______z
hey you yes you. you’re doing a wonderful job looking at your phone
Reposted byAvatar c______z
In November, Israel arrested Mohammad Abu Salmiya on the claim that he facilitated the use of Al-Shifa as a "Hamas HQ". This was served to the west and Israeli public as justification for the storming and massacres in the hospital complex. After 7 months of torture, he was released without charges.
Reposted byAvatar c______z
[waking up every day with my memory gone Memento style and seeing the New York Times openly express their politics they have always explicitly had] what!!
Reposted byAvatar c______z
Reposted byAvatar c______z
being cassandra ain't fun
Reposted byAvatar c______z
the thing about being a leftist and being always right is that there is actually no feeling of "i told you so" satisfaction because the things we're right about tend to be things like "ratfucking for joe biden in 2020 will give us trump in 2024" which sucks and everyone got mad at us for saying that
the people who supported forcing this mess on us in 2020 are very upset you think they're stupid & making fun of them
Reposted byAvatar c______z
if i could have dinner with any two dead people one would be trump
Reposted byAvatar c______z
"You have to separate the art from the artist." 1. No I don't 2. That's not actually possible in any meaningful way.
Reposted byAvatar c______z
I’m jamal from gaza with haiah Always she sleeps by side of my leg , you can support us evacuate and rebuild our life www.gofundme.com/f/sspqf-10k-...
Reposted byAvatar c______z
Reposted byAvatar c______z
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Reposted byAvatar c______z
getting back to the basics. hit me with ur best emoji kitchen combo
Reposted byAvatar c______z
This thread unpacks the questionable motives of the author whose guest essay about not voting was published in the NYT today (cool timing, guys! Very patriotic!) I don't see the point of choosing to publish such a view in a country with comparatively low turnout www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/...
More anti-democratic thoughts from 2018 the NYT allowed this writer to exclude from his current piece. Delivered with an air of detached irony, as if he miiight be joking or exaggerating. But is he?
Reposted byAvatar c______z
every time i read the news in 2024
Reposted byAvatar c______z
if you did not know that the president now has unlimited authority to order the ATF or DHS or the FBI to execute your best friend for any reason and can then order the DOJ not to prosecute then, you can blame every fucking columnist who has written a piece about biden’s age since monday
SCOTUS enabled an imperial presidency that is indistinguishable from a kingship and did so in a way that, if he wins, *will not be undone without buckets of fucking blood* in our lifetime. you’re not hearing about that, but you should, and you should be fucking murderously angry that you aren’t.
Reposted byAvatar c______z
Humankind never really jelled for me. I liked the idea on paper but in practice the accretion of culture never felt like it had the impact it should. Probably worth revisiting though, I haven't touched it since launch
Reposted byAvatar c______z
The thing about the march to fascism is that aside from the terror and the consequences it’s also so goddamn embarrassing
Reposted byAvatar c______z
i yearn for Kowloon Walled City
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Reposted byAvatar c______z
this is a little man who has many opinions about meadows, wildflowers, and which birds are jerks [complimentary]
Reposted byAvatar c______z
It is interesting that one of the things fascism destroys, deliberately, is the idea of a consensual reality. It purposely isolates its opponents into their own separate reality tunnels, bubbles, each fighting with each other while the boot crushes them.
we're past the Biden Event Horizon, where every opinion has an equal and opposite reaction. You're either too optimistic, too pessimistic, too lib-pilled, too tankie, too naive, too paranoid, too uninformed, too in-the-weeds...
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Reposted byAvatar c______z
FIREWORKS explode like magnified gunfire in the exquisitely sensitive ears of all creatures. Many: Bees don't go back to their hives; Birds have panic attacks; Wild animals abandon dens; Fish perish eating debris; Companion animals have anxiety; Humans have PTSD. Please be aware. Thank you :-)}
Reposted byAvatar c______z
When I worked in Minnesota in the legislature, there were bills every year to legalize fireworks. And there would be hearings. And people would be like, “Pfft, who testifies against this? Busybody neighbors?” The actual answer was firefighters and doctors, mostly. Especially eye doctors.
Horrifying. All, if you know young ppl who will use fireworks these next few weeks, please do what you can to either discourage them entirely or make sure they use them safely. Hundreds of young ppl will be in the ER with firework injuries this month. Many of these injuries will be life altering.
Reposted byAvatar c______z
I think Benis Pemps is the one funny thing to come out of AI. Just pure comedy heaven for me
this is my politics
Reposted byAvatar c______z
I mean, the real "funniest thing Biden could do" is use his commander-in-chief and treaty negotiation powers to unconditionally surrender the United States to the various tribes of Native Americans, but he won't. Also, happy 4th of July, you bunch of weirdos!
Reposted byAvatar c______z
i'm high, i'm making memes... share this so it doesn't die a virgin #FlushTrump
Reposted byAvatar c______z
This week on Meet the Press we discuss why one man was recently disqualified from the Presidency and you might be thinking it’s the guy who ate a dog but don’t worry because there’s actually a considerably worse person we’re also not saying that about
Reposted byAvatar c______z
If anyone is unfamiliar, I highly recommend the OnlyPosts feed. It’s great to catch up on the people you follow without having to wade through comments (or reposts of the same content). 🙌