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👾 bossett
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Reposted byAvatar Bossett
true, this is more about people that think time management isn't part of the game if you are used to over-the-board chess it can definitely be weird
super is retirement savings - so this dude owes $500k to the workers he didn’t pay in 2013. Somehow the article is sympathetic that he’s being hounded by our taxation department (the ATO), and implies that it’s the ATOs fault small businesses implode when they come to collect the debt.
(The other thing for Americans: super is collected through the tax system and paid into your retirement account, often quarterly, so people don’t check their accounts that often. It’s compulsory for employers to pay.)
Unpaid super is the most insidious form of wage theft, and this story about how we should feel bad is... kinda egregious. Imagine what $500k of retirement saving a decade ago would have done for people 'ATO debt recovery causing financial stress' maybe call that 'stealing from employees' #auspol
The ATO is cracking down on former company directors in a blitz some say will send them The ATO has issued tens of thousands of director penalty notices that make people personally liable for debts, and is also more commonly using garnishee notices, which allow it to take money directly ...
I mean that part has always been true for politicians - but there's a direct incentive now for ordinary people to make their life political
one of the scarier things about project 2025 that I hadn't really thought about is that having 'skin in the game' by going hard right on socials, showing up to council/school board meetings, getting fired for not hate speech, etc. will be seen as a viable path to a job
The 'army' being recruited for the next Trump Trump's march to re-take the White House continues with renewed determination. If he wins he'll have an "army" of 10,000 recruits at his disposal to help implement his controversial agenda.
Gonna start saying "I've been playing longer than you've been alive, so the respectful thing is for you to resign" whenever I'm down
Reposted byAvatar Bossett
Avatar chat is the call of duty lobby of 2024
Avatar chat is the call of duty lobby of 2024
people get *so* salty when you beat them on clock but my dude we are playing 10 minute chess idc that you're up +2, I beat you by 5 minutes
Reposted byAvatar Bossett
This is a busy week for us so I can’t say anything about timeline, but we are going to prioritize notification filtering. Work has already started
I haven't read the books, but the show was good - kinda has a bit of a 'wait for season two' feel though cause there's a lot of build
I got snowed on?? I thought it was supposed to be warmer after the solstice
If anyone from the bsky team is reading this - you probably have everything you need to auto-report these accounts 👀
I could do so much with some hinting - if you gave me a network source, I could write the rule “if someone blocks a user, and then the same network creates a new account and interacts, add them to a mod list”, which would basically shut this down.
I could do so much with some hinting - if you gave me a network source, I could write the rule “if someone blocks a user, and then the same network creates a new account and interacts, add them to a mod list”, which would basically shut this down.
I really want to be able to help here - so many people facing a choice between leaving the site, or accepting constant harassment.
Not really - you can use the labeller to hide them, but I can’t add new accounts to a block list and stay within the rate limits. It’s a major gap - and we need something like this since the community can’t have the tools, and the official team isn’t on top of it.
Add email verification status / network origin to profile · Issue #2524 · bluesky-social/ Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. There is an issue with accounts purpose-built for harassment, and while we can get somewhere with labelling hiding/etc. effective labe...
did I demonstrate that diet and exercise leads to the heat death of the universe through the slow erosion of our institutions? yes.
haha will definitely give it a go
drafting my callout thread rn while my kindle charges and the books download, just in case
yea I'm keen, gotta see if my kindle boots
I think Nissan just names their cars like it’s a game of madlibs
are they good? seems like the sort of post-apocalyptic-but-with-mysticism that I'm into, but had never heard of them before
Silo was pretty good has anyone read the books?
I’m judging you for not choosing to live in the funnier timeline.
it's gonna drive Trump turnout and it's already a close election there's also the 'who was the shooter' cause that identity is going to drive some kind of narrative