
Every low level lanyard job person in DC: please don’t wear a campaign button in my house, someone could see it and I might get in trouble SCOTUS: first you take a loan from someone with business before the court and then you just don’t pay it back. Did you see my insurrection flag.
True story, I watched a friend / anonymous Dept of (Redacted) civil servant refuse to eat from a buffet because it wasn't made clear who had paid for the food at the event.
I work for my towns municipal broadband provider and we have to tell the entire government if someone brings us pizzas.
I'd love to pick your brain about how foolhardy/hopeless it would be to get my town to build its own network to bring Comcrap down a few pegs.
It’s… not an easy or fast road
Yep, figured. Plus, I'd have to buck Tom Petty's advice and live like a refugee to avoid their goons who would be sent to destroy my life.
If you can get a few relatively wealthy/ locally politically connected folks, a few tech folks, and someone that can write grants to commit time it’s totally feasible.
I'd like to try. My town fancies itself becoming fancier, so there might be a path. TNX!
Is there a workbook or a guide for doing it somewhere, or does everyone have to make it up for their own circumstances?
I’m not sure! Vermont has done a pretty good job of building it out, as has Whip City Fiber in Mass. my town is doing it a little differently, with mostly wireless transmission to the premises. I think it’s “get the ball rolling and hold the momentum” more than a playbook
Felt I should ask. I've seen municipal broadband be regulated to death in some areas by comcast and the like. You also hear about occasional small FTTH startups done by techies/communities.
A competing company here in South Florida is Hotwire Communications. A buddy bought a house in Delray Beach served by Hotwire and he loves them. Check if they're in your area.
Super small operations are really interesting! The best way to do it (I think) is to get after your selectboard