
I am so tired of seeing my work copied, stolen, and counterfeited. This is my artwork, my sole source of income, and my passion, but it also results in a very particular hell that i cannot seem to escape.
My heart physically hurts. I don’t think this is a normal thing to experience.
3/3 along similar lines: My husband is an ER doctor and says it is common for patients to come in with chest pain fearing a heart attack only to learn they are experiencing intense pain due to panic. It is shocking how a mental issue can manifest as an intense physical symptom.
I think this is what i am experiencing as well. Panic.
It’s definitely understandable during times like this of uncertainty and potential for change. I’m also an illustrator. My current juvenile response to the threat of AI is 🙈🙉, but I have the luxury of not being the primary income earner for my house. Your feelings are valid and deserve compassion.
2/3 The pain has been more manageable for the last 10 years due to a combo of therapy, meds, mindfulness. And knowing what it is makes it less scary (not less annoying).
1/2 This sounds terrifying. I’m so sorry. I do not know if this is a similar thing or helps, but I have frequently experienced pain due to anxiety in the center of my chest where my breast bone is. It can feel sharp/intense or dull. At times it has lasted weeks; other times just a couple hours.
Could it be broken heart syndrome? It's a real thing - induced by stress. Now, I'm certainly no doctor, but please get yourself checked out if you're concerned, Susie. Stress is bad news. Sending positive vibes!
Is Broken Heart Syndrome Real? The American Heart Association explains broken heart syndrome, also called stress-induced cardiomyopathy or takotsubo cardiomyopathy, can strike even if you’re healthy.
It very well could be. I’m not eager to go to the hospital a fourth time this past month, so I’ll see if it subsides today.
Your work is so cute! I hate that this is happening to you.
Thank you so much, Eileen - it is devastating.
I'm so sorry Susie 💔💔💔 Absolutely no one should be going through this 💔💔💔
I’m so sorry Susie. No one should have to experience this. 🫂
It is absolutely hell! I am here for you.
Ugh. I wish there was a dislike button. I just can't hit 'like' on this.