Bree Lundberg ✨

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Bree Lundberg ✨

Freelance illustrator and maker of cute things. Creature of habit. (she/they) 🩷💜💙

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"Outdoor air pollution caused by Fourth of July fireworks can exceed the air pollution from wildfires. Another air quality study observed that fireworks also increase PM2.5 levels by as much as 370%, with 24-hour average concentrations reaching 48 μg/m3."
Case Study: The Impact of Fireworks on Air Topic: Fireworks air quality  Industry: Air Quality, Air Quality Technology, Community Development  Author: Adrian Dybwad  Website:  Can you smell the smoke and metal in the air?   F...
I made a little page with tips on how to keep your dog safe in hot weather! I wanted something cute that people would want to share to help spread safety info. Scan QR code in the image or visit: ☀️🐶 (Feel free to repost this image here or elsewhere!)
Also, I honestly don't know much about dogs but I think most of this applies to them, too? I do know that more pets go missing in the U.S. on the 4th of July holiday than any other time of year, so please just be extra mindful of all the babbys.
Fireworks suck! Here are some tips from cat behaviorist Mikel Delgado for keeping your cats safe and happy this 4th of July. 1. Make sure your cats are inside. Even if they normally go out, the 4th is not a good day for them to roam. (con't)
honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
Honestly kind of laughable they’re recognizing this now, four years into the pandemic?? Of COURSE covid isn’t seasonal, we knew this after the first year! Great their messaging finally reflects the science but it’s a little too late, especially without any mandates to enforce recommendations.
Fireworks are extra stressing me out this year. What if we tried being quiet??
Oh no I’m on the episode where Tucker learns there’s more than two genders. And Malcom is flirting using stinky cheese.
Still slowly making my way through Enterprise, unsurprisingly it ages worse with time. The only new (positive?) revelation this time around is Dr Phlox reminds me of Fraiser and is the only likable character early on.
Played ACNH for the first time in awhile. A letter was waiting for me that I wrote to myself in 2020 scheduled for delivery this year. I don’t know if the world has gotten better since then, but it’s true I’ve never given up. 🥹
This is really great news considering so many of the other major game companies jumped on board the genAI hype train. Once more companies like Nintendo start refusing it, we could hit a turning point.
My mountain sun catcher stickers are finally back in stock! Fill your room with rainbows by placing on a sunny window. ⛰️🌈
The labeler is a fun idea and I enjoy seeing everyone’s little class tags!
Without commenting on any of the underlying issues at all, and with full knowledge I am one of the people being described: Receiving a steady stream of opinions from people suffering from debilitating depression and/or anxiety is bad even at the best of times.
Yuzumo, a yuzu citrus fruit from Motegi (a town in Tochigi, Japan) at the Furusato Festival.
Yesterday two tween/teen girls said my shirt was cute and I’m still riding that high.
A frowning fledgling robin. ☹️ Had to gently shoo away from sitting next to the driveway so we could walk the dog. Be safe, little friend!
Also here's a pretty good guide to doing alt text specifically for art:
Here's my attempt at a guide to writing effective alt and descriptive text for art work on Bluesky. I'll be posting bits of it here as a thread as well for easy sharing. I'm also open to critique and suggestions, so feel free to comment or ask questions! 📌
An attempted guide to writing effective alt and descriptive text for An attempted guide to writing effective alt and descriptive text for works of art on Bluesky.
Note that you have to turn on the alt text toggle on desktop AND on the phone app, they don't sync. My phone's toggle keeps getting unsync'd somehow and then I'll forget. Also, keep a note doc of alt text for images you repost often, artists, it'll help!
For Disability Pride Month I’m once again begging for more artists to start considering accessibility and add alt text to your images. It helps low/no vision folks, neurodivergent folks, and more. Plus alt text shows up in searches! There’s a toggle in settings so you won’t forget. 👇
Here is a really good example/guide on writing alt-text that's been going around :)
For Disability Pride Month I’m once again begging for more artists to start considering accessibility and add alt text to your images. It helps low/no vision folks, neurodivergent folks, and more. Plus alt text shows up in searches! There’s a toggle in settings so you won’t forget. 👇
Are you team woof or team meow?? 🐶🆚🐱 New stickers added to my shop last week!
I really wish queer people remembered July is Disability Pride Month after leaving disabled/high risk queers out of most actual Pride Month events, the Gay Wrath Month shit is not hitting for me after all the superspreaders and silence around mask bans this year
I told Alex I would make him a cake for his bday but all he wanted was a calzone 😂
I’m one of the artist ambassadors for and I think it’s a really promising project! Please check it out!
Big announcement: our first website is LIVE! 🥳 Learn about the licensing platform we're building for the illustration community at
i want to add: if you’ve stopped masking for whatever reason, you can start again. it makes spaces more accessible, it helps preserve your health and the health of the people around you. it’s a tiny action you can take to make the world safer.
"If only I could do something that would have a positive impact on the world-" You can. Mask up.
Sitting outside because the weather is perfect and my serotonin is boosted every time I hear the baby robins in a nearby nest peeping and hear more cicadas screaming.
No shame in feeling scared, overwhelmed and not knowing what to do. To me feeling one's feelings doesn't preclude taking action. These are confusing times. Give yourself some grace.
Pride month is almost over, but you can shop my pride merch any time! #artshop 🌈
Heart is full after seeing good friends!! 💗 even if I’m sad they’re moving further away! Appreciate the good people in our life while you can.
"Masks did not become a symbol of solidarity overnight...There is still much work to be done. But if you ever stopped masking, there has rarely been a better time to start again. Mask up and show your solidarity. Eric Adams will hate it."