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The uselessness of all things
Also, the Daily Mail had an 8-page tactical voting guide to avoid this entirely mythical "supermajority" yesterday, which absolutely reeks of desperation.
Yeah, this has been bugging me for the last week or so. There is a real practical difference between e.g. a majority of 20ish and one of 80, say, but past that point it makes absolutely bugger all difference how big it is.
When people talk about supermajorities, it's usually in terms of "has the 2/3 majority to amend the constitution' or similar. There are no safeguards like that in Westminster.
Last night, while watching Sewing Bee, it struck me that most telescopes aren't telescopic, and the precise way in which this is weird has been niggling at me all day.
Reposted byAvatar RickyT
Reposted byAvatar RickyT
Reposted byAvatar RickyT
Details of forthcoming THOUGHTS set to MUSIC are now available! We're on first so get down early, support yr local scene etc
Reposted byAvatar RickyT
Reposted byAvatar RickyT
do you think smaug has a twin named smagg who hordes silver?
Something deeply vexing about reading a great big, moderately hyped book, and getting just about enough out of it to feel like I should keep going to see if I finally get it, yet not enough to feel like I'm actually enjoying it.
Reposted byAvatar RickyT
TIL where the adrenal glands are and I'm so angry
Everything's been overlaid with a mild smear of hysteria since today's main news story broke. Just kept boggling at both the thing itself and various recollections of Davey C's previous political career that floated to the top of my mind.
Reposted byAvatar RickyT
you can tell that this government is screwed; people are retweeting Cameron tweets from when he was prime minister. Normally, when dealing with serious people who need to be respected, referring to their past actions or statements is one of the rudest and most taboo things in British media
Reposted byAvatar RickyT
wow they finally made a novelty halloween costume i actually want to wear
Reposted byAvatar RickyT
As if they weren't weird enough already, it turns out that duck billed platypuses use ELECTROLOCATION to find their prey, a thing I didn't even know existed until today
Reposted byAvatar RickyT
Browser plugin that replaces "AI" with "a dog that says sausages" in every LinkedIn post.
Deeply affronted that it's getting dark already, as though I lived in some sort of closer to the equator type place
End of feed.