Tom Ewing

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Tom Ewing

Music, comics, assorted grousing, he/him. I write about interesting things for fun (and less interesting things for money)
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Reposted byAvatar Tom Ewing
The perception of an inevitable fascist victory in Europe is largely just the wishcasting of mainstream media publications saying that fascist victory is inevitable. See how the BBC spins National Rally's loss.
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Reposted byAvatar Tom Ewing
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
As an #UncoolTwo50 comparison point, here are the 50 top eligible songs from Acclaimed Music - interesting to see what was left out of our seeding!
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In case someone has been curious about the RuneQuest ttrpg system (I've got a thing coming out there soon) they have a humble bundle up now for charity with massive amounts of content. Even if you're not into a new system, I can truly recommend it for the world!
Humble RPG Bundle: RuneQuest by Chaosium, Discover the beloved TTRP RuneQuest with this bundle, packed with everything you need for endless adventure in Glorantha! Your purchase helps support
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Hello and welcome to the LAUNCH of #UncoolTwo50 A music challenge running from 1 October this year, in which you select your TOP 50 SINGLES OF 1977 - 1999.
And so my four year quest to find a record that can be vaguely competitive against “I Feel Love” in a poll reaches its end (quite possibly in failure)
Like the handsome English Viz hardcovers, the anime is a little coy about character names, whereas the fan translations I originally read the early JoJo's stories in were absolutely firm that, yup, these lads are called Dire and Straits, this fella is Santana, that big guy? He's called Wham
Exciting cross-generational cultural developments in my house as our son is making us watch the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime and we all love the theme song - "Roundabout" by Yes
This song picking challenge was terrific fun - Arron is running #UncoolTwo50 next, focusing on the faves of 1977-99, and it promises to be even bigger (and it’s happening at a time when we will all surely need to take our mind off things) so check his account for the details of that!
#LET5D0IT All that remains is... - Thanks to each and every one of you (even that guy on Twitter!) for participating, and to anyone who followed/liked posts and might join in with the rest of the project. - And a reminder that said project is only halfway through, and the train keeps a rollin'!
Exciting cross-generational cultural developments in my house as our son is making us watch the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime and we all love the theme song - "Roundabout" by Yes
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Roy Crane accidentally teaching everyone how to draw water.
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#LET5D0IT And finally (I think!?) THIS IS THE #LET5D0IT TOP 250 with all the stats. (check bottom for 'headings' as I use the row numbers for chart positions) The second tab shows the medallists for each year and the artists who won two/had two in the top 50.
I’d say this is why the Mail is calling it a Loveless Landslide, but it probably Isn’t Anything
Have just been reminded that we now have the indiest Prime Minister we have ever, and indeed will ever have. There is a very real chance that crucial space in the brain of the ruler of our country is taken up by Stockholm Monsters B-Sides and pre-Brix line-ups of The Fall
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It's interesting how cleanly 'The Big Three' American Comic Strips of the 1930s can be broken down, all of which informed the capes that followed: a) Flash Gordon constructed the visual grammar of the Space Opera, it was the dreams of space-ships and wild alien worlds--of our Future in the stars.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Ewing
Meanwhile over at the Telegraph, a leader writer wonders if a community taking part in the democratic process means its time to stop "handing citizenship out" to them. The absolute state of this.
The lobby did a generally decent job last night. But this language/mindset around British Muslim voting trends is profoundly unsettling and offensive.
Have just been reminded that we now have the indiest Prime Minister we have ever, and indeed will ever have. There is a very real chance that crucial space in the brain of the ruler of our country is taken up by Stockholm Monsters B-Sides and pre-Brix line-ups of The Fall
(Apologies to people who have not been on this site all day for whom the last skeet will be even more nonsensical than usual)
PSA America It's Lady Miss Keir, or Her Out Of Deee-Lite, or just the surname. It's not "Lady Miss Kirby" and--I'm begging you here--it is not "Miss Lady" under any circumstances whatsoever. No. Un De-Groovey.
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The BBC’s “Seats Changed” map is wild. You can now walk from the coast of North Devon up to Bicester and then down to Eastbourne without ever leaving newly Lib Dem seats. Tired: The Blue Wall Wired: The YELLOW SNAKE
Discover tab very keen to give me reactions to the exit poll, feel I'm as caught up on that one as I need to be right now
The BBC’s “Seats Changed” map is wild. You can now walk from the coast of North Devon up to Bicester and then down to Eastbourne without ever leaving newly Lib Dem seats. Tired: The Blue Wall Wired: The YELLOW SNAKE
The clear lesson Farage needs to learn from the Lib Dems is that you get more seats by doing stunts. But because his voters are rock hard, unlike those woke yoghurt drinkers, the stunts he does should all be exceptionally dangerous
Reposted byAvatar Tom Ewing
Very good thread this. In many ways this was a typical 2020s European election. When you consider how so many of those are ending, that's a bit worrying.
2. Labour held steady in total votes, but combined with the fractured vote on the right, won a historic parliamentary majority. This is in line with trends elsewhere in Europe. The far right rises and wins when the center-left atomizes (Italy, France) and falls short when it holds (Spain, Portugal).
Clacton, Skegness, Great Yarmouth going Reform 💀 Morrissey: seaside towns they forgot to close down are good actually
Hats off though, you work with the system you’ve got and this is an astonishing example of it. Special shout out to the Lib Dems who have shown up the electoral system they want to change in the most stylish way possible, getting 17 times Reform’s seats on fewer votes
Majority off Baywatch, share off Crimewatch
And commiserations to my old constituency for sticking with the rancid Chris Philp
Slightly annoyed to find that the constituency I grew up and first voted in (Mole Valley) was abolished in the boundary changes, so it was born Tory and died Tory, but at least its replacement has gone Lib Dem at first time of asking
Labour glided home in my constituency as expected, with a monster majority, but the Greens pushed the Tories into 2nd (and the Palestinian lady whose election office got vandalised didn’t come last)
Labour glided home in my constituency as expected, with a monster majority, but the Greens pushed the Tories into 2nd (and the Palestinian lady whose election office got vandalised didn’t come last)