
no doubt a lot of things go into a decision like this, but a DA who's made it clear both that he isn't going to charge kids for getting arrested at a protest and that he WILL charge cops that get too far out of line probably factors into it
I have to say this attitude is a welcome change from my time in Philly, just after the Rizzo years and including the MOVE debacle.
it's still not perfect -- I wouldn't even necessarily say "good" -- by any stretch of the imagination, but it's come a long fucking way
Amen! I was there DURING the Rizzo years, including the FIRST, now all-but-forgotten MOVE debacle.
UPenn Board: "Protests are out of control! Violence rocks the campus! Widespread property damage! Safety is at risk!!!" Philly Police Dept: "Some students wrote means things on some buildings and said some mean words. Can you elaborate please about what the fuck you're talking about?"
Participate. In. Local. Elections.
Why voting in truly progressive DA's is a huge strategic win in the long term.
Guess the Police Union will be organizing against him in the next election.