Paul Rosenberg

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Paul Rosenberg

Words. More to come.
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Just in time for July 4, my colleague Sarah Swan has posted her stunning new paper (forthcoming in Yale Law Journal) on police suing people they are supposed to protect.
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Still weird this very plain spoken call to mass violence isn’t dominating coverage!
Panicking isn't what I'd call this. Rather, depth of concern. Biden has overperformed as president & not gotten credit he deserved--which is par for the course for Democrats. But casting himself as a transitional leader tamped down concerns re age in 2020 at the expense of what we're seeing now.
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How does he rank against Liz Truss and the lettuce?
Big victory for Labour — so big that the NYT just gave Sir Keir his own version of ‘Joe Biden Is Old’
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Thread. Scroll down.
When I was a teenager, I organized a protest with a couple of friends after Michael Griffith was killed in Howard Beach. Almost no one showed up. I think we had 6 people [including us 3 organizers]. I was crushed. I cried to my dad & he asked: "what did you say to the three people who joined you?"
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A modern version of the emperor’s new clothes, except it’s the emperor’s too old.
One twist of last week is politically savvy Dem insiders—including Biden’s closest advisors—believed POTUS was aging but capable of a winning debate performance while low information voters repeatedly said he’s too old. So, oddly, it was elites who were actually ill-informed and caught by surprise.
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1.3 gigs of new gas to meet rising demand due to Bitcoin mining Trust me when I say the Bitcoin problem has not only not gone away, but very clearly gotten worse, despite far fewer headlines about it....
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“They’re not even going to have a country anymore.” But seriously, shouldn’t there be a story about how the other parties are changing their minds about this, because they’re worried their presidents will be charged with crimes later?
SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil's federal police indict ex-President Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association, source confirms.
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Wow, real banana republic stuff. I'm glad our presidents can launder money and associate criminally without worrying about this kind of thing.
Reports: Brazil police have indicted Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association
West Wing brainworms ate them all!
I don’t know how to explain to our nation’s top editorial boards that the Democratic Party is an actual organization with a lot of rules and history to it, not just a store that distributes team jerseys, and it has already selected delegates to its nominating convention.
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Not a perfect comparison, and I’ve deliberately omitted the period when pandemic composition effects distorted the numbers. But 14 years of Conservative rule have been associated with stagnant real wages and severe deterioration of public services. This was a well-earned rout
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JUST IN: Labour heading toward a landslide victory in the UK. This is their return to power, for the first time since 2010. National exit poll, released moments ago, shows them above 400 seats. The ruling conservatives projected at 131, which would be their lowest since WWII.
True! But part of the reason we got Biden was the subtextual message he was a transitional leader meaning one term, or at best, just don't think about 2024 now. He accomplished a lot--much more than he's being given credit for--but we're so far behind due to Tea Party wave, etc. that we need >> now
There's a reason why of all the candidates in 2020, we got Biden. Understanding what we need to do going forward requires understanding that reason.
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It's in the fucking Constitution! John Roberts said so!
It's not okay for presidents to go to bed at 8. It just is not. Come on.
THIS is the way!
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
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I was honored to march in the DC #JulyFourth parade with the Ukrainian delegation today. Slava Ukraini and God Bless America!
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“Electing the Democratic presidential candidate this fall—who, we have every reason to believe, will still be Joe Biden—is the only way to prevent the rise of a corporate-Christian American dictatorship with the criminal Trump at its head, his every whim rubber-stamped by an illegitimate SCOTUS”
If it weren't for bad faith, ♬♪♫♬♩ They wouldn't have no faith at all. ♪♬♪♫♪
Suprise: unwashed fascist ghoul Matthew Walther - who wrote a column that the New York Times just published advising Americans not to vote - did in fact vote in 2020 and 2022. It’s time for us to stop tolerating these ratfucking liars.
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Suprise: unwashed fascist ghoul Matthew Walther - who wrote a column that the New York Times just published advising Americans not to vote - did in fact vote in 2020 and 2022. It’s time for us to stop tolerating these ratfucking liars.
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The NYT editorial everyone’s talking about today
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If you’ve never seen Dorothea Lange’s photographs of the World War II internment camps and the Japanese-Americans who were imprisoned there, today is a good day to see them and to commit to making sure this never happens again.
This is SO wrong. They will do what we demand they do if we organize sufficiently. But jurisdiction stripping is a MUCH more potent possible starting point: Add to the Women's Health Protection Act, add to a legislative enactment of Chevron deference, add to a new Voting Rights Act.
It will take generations to replace the current court — and that’s assuming no bad actor ever gets elected. I also don’t believe Biden or his successors will have the political fortitude to expand the court. Nor do I believe a constitutional amendment is possible.
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someone tell the economist about FDR
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
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The kids don’t care about use/mention, they say. 4yo: Once upon a time there was a unicorn named “my pet” Mom: Oh, “my pet?” 4yo: No, “my pet!” #linguistics
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For the record: voting matters. So does turning up to school board meetings. Community board meetings. Planning and zoning board meetings. Making public comments on pending rules. Contacting public officials. Protesting. Running for office yourself.
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Why I Don't Vote (OK, I Do Vote, but I Would Like to Discourage You, NY Times Reader, For Doing So For Some Reason) Via
Man, if it turns out that the right winger telling NY Times readers that they should follow his example and not vote did in fact vote in the last two elections, the Times should add this to the piece. Better than a retraction, since it illustrates a willful hypocrisy.
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What can this possibly mean? Brains evolved over 500 million years ago; language probably less than 100,000. So he can't mean it literally. Bach studies cognitive architectures and has a PhD in cognitive science, so he knows the difference between brains and transformers.