
everyone on all sides regardless of their actual take sounds truly deranged right now, i think we need a 24 hour moratorium on political discourse. maybe an asteroid could almost hit or something as a distraction.
We should all band together about something uncontroversial - the #Astros!
America’s team ❤️🤍💙
They win in Canada, they win in Mexico, and they win on the 4th of July. This is more than America’s team, this is the baseball team for all people all over the world. 🫡🌎
A friend watching the WS parade in 2022 told me something that stuck with me: a news reporter asked a fan why Houston loved the Astros so much, and the fan replied (paraphrasing) “look at them. We’re all kinds of people, and they’re all kinds of people.”
You know how important it was for me that the team I adopted has enjoyed a near-unbroken chain of Puerto Ricans in charge, from Litos to Machete and Vaz to Caratini and Espada (OK, fine, Cintrón is there too), and other than the Twins I can’t think of a team that’s been more boricua in recent years.
I’m good with that except the word “almost” lol