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Reposted byAvatar Branden
One thing Usha Vance loves is that her husband is fully aligned with the candidate whose campaign manager pushed propaganda saying that her parents eat human shit and should be rounded up in camps. She believes her 3 kids are an abomination & she should be punished for committing white genocide.
Reposted byAvatar Branden
Called my senators and rep to ask them to reintroduce an assault weapons ban. This is a thing you can do, too!
Reposted byAvatar Branden
Reposted byAvatar Branden
if you have any of my stickers that are full color and have the nice silkscreen thick ink, that’s sticker robot. as far as i know they are nice people.
Sticker Robot Custom
Reposted byAvatar Branden
Sticker Mule is both A) A more expensive option and B) Run by a trophy-hunting, Trump-worshiping Qultist. You have other options! Check this spreadsheet! (And while we're at it: ditch U-LINE. Also unfathomably awful people.)
all I had to do was click on one sticker ad on IG and suddenly my feed was full of other sticker ads. I clicked on them all and did the math for you. The best small-run samples pricing is at SlapCo; best overall pricing is at Sticker Cyborg or Sticker OG Factory.
Sticker Sticker Pricing Sticker Size/Type,Qty, Price , Price Ea. StickerMule,3 x 3 (Samples),10, $ 9.00 , $ 0.90 StickerMule,3 x 3 (Typical Vinyl),100, $ 94.00 , $ 0.94 StickerMule,3 x 3 (Typical Vinyl),2...
Reposted byAvatar Branden
SORRY/NOT SORRY, the doc about Louis C.K. (produced by the NYT based on their reporting) is very good. But boy, it is a depressing watch. (I had forgotten Jon Stewart’s withering, smug dismissal of somebody who asked him about it at an event. Yyyyyikes.)
Reposted byAvatar Branden
This is how you do it.
Yesterday was the embodiment of the “Reap/Sow” meme
Does everyone need to be reminded that “Opinions Are Like Assholes” applies to the as well?
Sometimes I run / sometimes I write / sometimes I’m scared of you. But all I really want is to laugh…
Triforce Of Comedy: Why So Serious? The Robot Gospel, Part 01011
I’ve been awake for an hour and haven’t had any coffee yet? Get your shit together, self!
I bet the ghost of Nixon is SOOO pissed at Trump, right now
Um, so has the Supreme Court now just given Biden permission to legally fix the election to make sure Trump doesn’t get back in?
You should be able to go into the (HBO)Max search bar, type in “UUDDLRLRBA” and watch all the movies that Warner Bros has shit-canned
End of feed.