Brandy Brow, writer & editor

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Brandy Brow, writer & editor

Spec fic, ice cream, and a pinch of wit. Plus elephants. There must be elephants.

#writer #editor #flashfiction #shortstories #specfic #scifi #fantasy #sciencefantasy #slipstream #casualartist #neurodivergent
❓Do you set aside a regular time each week to practice your writing apart from your project? ⏰✍🏻 If not, why not? #writingq #writer #amwriting #writinglife
How to start revising after finishing your story's first draft? Check out this short blog post by Friedman's guest, Monica Cox. I love her tips, like reading your work on a device different than what you wrote on. Revision hint? Start big. #amwriting #amediting #writers #writingcommunitity #writingq
Why Your Revision Shouldn’t Start on Page One | Jane Just as you wouldn’t paint a house under construction, you need to revise with an eye on story structure before you dress up the writing.
This is fantastic! (Posted from The Writer's Circle off FB) #writingcommunity #writing #haiku
I came back to the presidential meme I posted yesterday and realized it looked like I advocated something bad. That was not my intent. This revision, hopefully, shows better what I meant. Basically, I'm dismayed by our choices. Sorry about the former one, folks.
AI tech: “Some creative jobs maybe will go away, but maybe they shouldn't have been there in the first place if the content that comes out of it is not very high quality.” Article author: Art is at the center of being human. 💯 #art #writing #writingcommunity #AI
Roundup: OpenAI says some artistic jobs shouldn’t Read to the end for a good overview of failing social media platforms
I closed six browser tabs today. I will not disclose how many more I opened. 😶‍🌫️ #browsertabjunkie #writingcommunity #editing #writinglife
I knew I was a browser tab junkie, but I didn't know how bad until I had to reopen them all and the window said 136. 😵‍💫 #writinglife #writing #editing #writingcommunity #browsertabjunkie
We're open for contemporary fiction (500-2,500 words) so why not check us out? Please follow the link for our guidelines
Here I am trying to wake up my computer with my mouse and keyboard wondering why it’s not working. Oh yeah. I actually turned it off last night. 😂 #editing #writingcommunity #writinglife
Today opens a new #kidlit contest sponsored by the ACFW Kidlit chapter. Check it out.
Hey, @deckblue, why is text tripping all over itself across the platform, when I type and in posts? It's really hard to use this way. Spacing is all bad.
When your blue light glasses make things more blurry, you do what you gotta do. 😂 #writingcommunity #editor #writing
I just stumbled upon a self-pubbed book with one of my fave Pixabay images as the cover design. If you're gonna go free, change or add to the image so it's not a straight cut and paste. The last thing you want is potential readers saying hey, I saw OR USED that image... 😖 #writing #writer #selfpub
Fellow editors, do you accept AI-written material from clients or insist the material you edit be human generated? Fellow writers, how do you feel about editors editing AI-generated material? Readers, how do you feel about this? #amediting #editing #writing #AI #writingQ #books 💙📚
Do you plan to write on Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it) or take the whole day off? What's your norm? #writingQ #writinglife #writers
Don’t care what people think—write you. Then edit so readers can read you. #writing #writers #editing #writinglife #writingtip
In this article Matt Bell shares what he's learned about #writing from running. Run your own race is something #writers frequently hear, but what about love what you want to learn? New concept for me, and I love it. Which writing insight strikes you? #editing #specfic #writingQ
#43: Train Your Weaknesses, Write Your Strengths (What I Learned About Writing From Running, and Andy Jones-Wilkins, Paul Terranova, Meg LeFauve, Lorien McKenna, Nick Fuller Googins, my Uncle John
1. Write story. 2. Struggle to find market. 3. Compromise subbing to a smaller market, deciding it better than nothing. 4. Wait. 5. Find a better market. 6. Can't sub because they don't take sim subs. 🤦🏼 7. Bang head on desk. 8. Write new story. #writingcommunity #amwriting #amquerying #writinglife
What is your favorite writing and editing music? I love Two Steps from Hell, Dead Can Dance, Cocteau Twins, and dark, epic ambient music playlists on YouTube, especially when working on spec fic. #writing #writingcommunity #editing #specfic #writingQ
I have a nasty headache, so no editing or writing for me right now. It's good to know when to step away for a while and recoup. Rest counts toward quality work as much as the work does. #writingcommunity #editing #writing
Cat Rest Up
Writing is hard sometimes, it takes all you've got to really sit down and write. But when your writing really works, there's nothing quite like it. #amwriting #author #writing
I made a typo in a post yesterday. It wasn’t the first and won’t be the last, especially with struggling eyes waiting for their coming help, but editing encompasses so much more than not making typos in composition. Thank goodness. Still, typos pain me. You? #amediting #writer #writingcommunity
Two speculative flash fiction submissions today with another flash under the red pen. It's a good day. #amediting #amwriting #specfic #writinglife #writers #writingcommunity
Be who you are, write who you are. You can't control any of the rest except showing up to write each day, trying new things, and learning from your writing. -Wrtr #amwriting #amediting ... #author #writing.
Hear Christian author backgrounds and experiences on traditional and indie publishing, including #kitlit author Pam Halter. Segmented to get right to the part you want to hear, like budgeting and advice for new writers. #writers #writingcommunity #authors
A2A with Terri and Author Panel (Team 1) Episode #35 An exciting lineup of award-winning authors share their insights and advice about their indie/hybrid publishing journey. This is a long class, bu...
Congratulations to M.N. Stroh on the one-year bookversary of Lord of Vengeance, book three in the Tale of the Clans. Medieval edgy Christian-based romance set in Ireland. 💙📚 #histfic #historicalromance