Writing & Editing

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Writing & Editing


Welcome to the positive side of Writing. Author & Author software that helps people write. And my Sci-fi + MG novels. Cool, clean, fun new Writing Software for all. *This is my page, for me, for writing motivation and writing connection, helps me write.
Writing: “We're allowed to learn from our mistakes and from our failures. And that's how I learn, by falling flat on my face and picking myself up and starting all over again.” - Madeleine L'Engle #amwriting #amediting .. Keep Writing. #author #writing
One of an author's greatest gifts is to believe in their writing, their story, and in themselves. I know it's hard as you are writing it, but that belief is much needed to create and succeed. - Wrtr #amwriting #amediting Keep Writing. #writing #author
If you are lagging in your writing. Don't be afraid or feel guilty to schedule time out to just think about your story, ponder it, strategize about it instead of writing. Story clarity always fixes a lack of writing. -Wrtr #amwriting ~ #writing #author
Great novels always have characters people care about. Good authors create fully fleshed out characters in writing that readers can hold on to, care about, and follow to other books. - Wrtr #amwriting #author #writing
On Writing: Sometimes as a writer or author, you have to find yourself something to write that will ignite your writing again. Even if that thing isn't the main thing you are working on. If it's your passion, write it. - Wrtr #amwriting #amediting Be Writing. #writing #author
Note to self: Sometimes when you are writing, you need to take a step back, get your bearings, take some time, and see what you have, to be able to go forward. Don't be afraid to take some think time if your novel doesn't come out all at once. #amwriting #author #writing
Writing: “There is something awe-inspiring and magical in seeing the characters and story you are writing come to life as you write it.” - Wrtr #amwriting Keep Writing. #author #writing
“Writing isn't always about how it makes other people feel. Sometimes it's about how it makes you feel when you write it.” - Wrtr #amwriting Keep Writing. #author #writing
Writing is one of those great things where you are only limited by your imagination, what you create, and how much time you give it. - Wrtr #amwriting #amediting ~ #author #writing
There's a touch of great magic in all good writing, an author transports readers out of their current lives, and into their stories. The writing and story become greater than the words used to create them. #amwriting - Wrtr Be Writing. #writing #author
On Writing: “Writing fiction feels like an adventurous act, nudging aside reality a word at a time.” - James Van Pelt #amwrting ~ #author #writing
“Writing is about us authors reaching out to speak with the world. And sometimes to speak with ourselves.” - Wrtr #amwriting #amediting .. Be Writing. #author #writing
Writer's block: The key is to find something to write about, anything, and a reason to write. So ask a question, remove something, introduce something new into the plot. For me, it's because I need to change my mindset/plot point. Take some thinking time on your story. #amwriting #author #writing
“A writer's life. Writing is uniquely personal to every author and how they do it. What we write and how we write are a part of us, it is a part of our stories.” - Wrtr #amwriting ...Be Writing #writing #author
Characters are always more powerful when they move and react in your writing and story to show how they feel about things, adding to the telling of the reader how they feel. It gives it an honest feel, describing it visually. - Wrtr #amwriting ~ #writing #author
Writing: Writing a story is always an adventure. You think you know how things will turn out, but there are many twists and turns and discoveries along the way. And sometimes, the story just writes and tells itself. - Wrtr #amwriting Be Writing. #writing #author
“My characters live in my mind… I can see them and hear them much more clearly than most people…It never occurs to me that they don’t exist.” - John Creasey #amwriting #amediting ... Writing Characters ~ Characters come alive if written right. - Wrtr #author #writing
Recharge your writing batteries. Take some time to rest and recharge between your writing. Sometimes an author's mind needs time to percolate on a story to find the right angle. Read something great. Learn to rest, recharge, come back strong. - Wrtr #amwriting ~ #author #writing
As an author, sometimes you just have to put blinders on and focus on writing something today. Something good. Not tomorrow. Not next year. Make Something. Create Something. Act in defiance of the world. Make something for you. - Wrtr #amwriting #author #writing
An author can reveal their day in writing, in a story, even when writing about something different. - Wrtr #amwriting #amediting ... Be Writing #author #writing
Writing is a bit like being dropped off somewhere lost and searching for the light, you keep gauging the light, writing until you find it. And that becomes the story. Then you turn on the light and write about what you can now see. That becomes the next story. - Wrtr #amwriting... #author #writing
Today I just want to be thankful, and thank all the writers and authors out there for continuing to write. We know it's hard. But without you, no great stories would get told. - Wrtr #amwriting ... Keep Writing. #author #writing ~ So many great stories to read.
Dogs, kids, and animals can all be great scene stealing story additions when writing a novel to pick it up. - Wrtr #amwriting #amediting ... Be Writing. #writing #author
I'd like Cheetos to become my writing sponsor. =) or maybe Twizzlers licorice. =) #amwriting #amediting How about you? Do you have a favorite writing snack while writing? Or writing treat when you finish writing? ... Be Writing. #writing #author
Hi everyone, was out writing the last couple of days, so no time for social. Back now. Completed 3 chapters each day. Hope everyone is writing well. How is everyone doing? - Wrtr ~ Write well, be well.
Writing: Do the hero and other characters have an internal desire besides the plot in your story? If not, you should add one for them. It rounds out the characters and the story to be read. - Wrtr #amwriting #author #writing ~ And sometimes can be the best part of the story.
Writing: Show the emotions of your characters both inside and out in a story. Building empathy with your readers for a character as well as following the plot is important. Show the readers why they do what they do. - Wrtr #amwriting .. #writing #author
On Writing: Start your novel off with an event that not only alerts and somehow involves the protagonist but also alerts the antagonist of the story. Both the protagonist and the antagonist need a journey in your story. - Wrtr #amwriting ~ #author #writing
Simple concise writing advice. "The best advice I ever received when writing and creating was: Don't give up. Don't give in. Enjoy the experience. Keep writing. The more you write, the better you get, your writing from yesterday never looks the same the next day."- Wrtr #amwriting ~ #author #writing
On Writing: “A character’s want is a superficial conscious desire for the thing they think they need in order to present themselves to the world.” - John Yorke #amwriting Be Writing. #author #writing