
How am I supposed to take people like this seriously? Honestly the thing that makes me defend Biden is the fact that the lefty criticism is so transparently bad faith.
Hey do you like FDR? Do you remember how FDR Stacked the court because its within the executive branches power? The people acting like unchecked authoritarians are the fucking Supreme Court. YOu dont need to pass a bill to do it
Another one! Maybe this should be a thread
I would like to point out to you that Joe Biden voted against creating the CFPB, and during its creation, picked a very public fight with Professor Elizabeth Warren (before she entered the Senate) during her testimony. And then later voted against her confirmation to head the department she created.
This one is the genius who was bitching about how the Dems are useless because they didn't attempt to and achieve huge Congressional supermajorities like FDR did when we recently had something "identical" to the Great Depression occur.