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I have arrived.
There are people living and breathing on this planet that think SCOTUS is simply a neutral arbiter of the law, and if they say trump can do crimes then they’re required to say Biden can too. These people are so dense they can’t go swimming.
A lot of people I follow also follow a bunch of reporters who don’t have our best interests at heart.
I feel like all the people on the left telling me Biden needs to step down because Harris is a good candidate said something very different about her in 2020
My honest belief is that it moves the polls because calling him a felon is bad, but the facts of the case aren’t that serious to the average voter since they aren’t directly about election fraud, even though that’s what it was.
I think we’re pretty close to Dems fully squandering the Trump conviction. They have made almost no effort to turn it into an active conflict or the subject of live debate and you can already see the news putting it aside as another piece of campaign trivia, and going back to Biden age stories
Reposted byAvatar Braylesong
Wait until criminals discover that the Blackwolf app is just Uber Eats for a free gun lol
Reposted byAvatar Braylesong
For those saying that Americans are righteously angry because the level of prices is up even though the rate of inflation has fallen, a history lesson
The r/Adulting subreddit is like the yankee candle reviews for COVID spikes but for depression. “I just have so much trouble dragging myself out of bed and life seems meaningless how do you guys manage a 9-5 job?”
I am so fucking sick of listening to idiots wax poetic about salt of the earth trump voters lashing out at elites when the average trump voter is a Gen X white guy whose dad owned a family of car dealerships he passed down.
Finally the Atlantic gives us what we needed most: A Vaseline-lensed profile of a deranged Facebook boomer.
I think RCV is mostly good but I’m also worried that it’s bad for candidates. If you’re in a field with 3 other similar candidates and one moderate, your goal should be to negotiate with your similar candidates to step aside and endorse you. This is basic politics.
I don’t know what’s worse about being sick, that it gives me work dreams or that it’s for a job I don’t do and don’t know how to do.
Apparently we have too many pilots
From me: A 5-year FAA reauthorization has a carve-out preventing all student debt cancellation for flight schools, an example of Congress's continuing belief in solving higher education challenges by burdening people with more debt:
Congress Poised to Prevent One Form of Student Debt The FAA reauthorization bans debt cancellation for flight education loans.
Expensive in regards to wired one. Also lmao at putting NYT Opinion Columnist in your bio.
Since this is today’s topic: I don’t understand the love for this. The cords are always tangled, and once you fix that then they’re getting wrapped in your arms or in the equipment you’re using. It’s not like BT earbuds are expensive anymore, you can get a set for 20 bucks.
How am I supposed to take people like this seriously? Honestly the thing that makes me defend Biden is the fact that the lefty criticism is so transparently bad faith.
Hey do you like FDR? Do you remember how FDR Stacked the court because its within the executive branches power? The people acting like unchecked authoritarians are the fucking Supreme Court. YOu dont need to pass a bill to do it
Sometimes I’m still in work mode at the drive thru and when they ask me how I’m doing I go “good, how are you?” And it short circuits them a little and makes it awkward
I think the worst part of talking about auto safety regulations is that so many people think Ralph Nader was some kind of hero about it.
BetterHelp is such a great example of our monkey paw capitalism. “It would be nice if we could normalize therapy and make it more accessible” Sweet, we’re going to do a scammy therapy thing with hot or miss therapists and we also mine your data and sell it.
There are quite a few responses in this thread from people that just need therapy. COVID is very serious, LC is real, but I think if you’re still refusing to go out in public unless it’s absolutely necessary and testing every 3 days you’re just responding to trauma and you should talk to someone
I remain of the view that *everyone* (myself very much included) lost their mind one way or another during COVID. Hardly a week goes by without some bizarre professional moment that I ultimately realize resolves into "oh, this is about your particular and idiosyncratic COVID damage."
My biggest problem with a lot of EV complaints is that people pick a thing EVs are bad at(middling range figures, charging time)that doesn’t really matter for 90% of drivers and harp on that in bad faith.
Is there a more overrated president than JFK? Most of his big foreign policy wins were fixing problems he created and everything else boils down to “he gives a great speech”
If you forced someone who doesn’t know anything about modern politics to read leftish Bluesky/X and the generic center left people and then assign the “better things aren’t possible” meme to one of them I feel like they’d get it opposite from the popular consensus.
My only real issue with this is that the electorate voted for Clinton and Biden, the only reason Trump can win is because of the constitution, seems weird that we can’t apply it in other ways
My biggest issue is when someone says the base isn’t going to like a thing Biden did is that they always mean themselves ie under 30 voters living in cities who know at least 2 ppl that work in a restaurant. But for a national election the base is a 44 year old mother of 3.
Wow, a guy who created a media org to launder right wing talking points into the mainstream media wrote an op-ed doing just that, wild times we live in. Honestly all the ppl dragging this and going “this guy needs to be ridiculed” are kind of oblivious, the dude is winning. It’s the whole point.
Yeah, if you’ve got to do this much hand-waving, maybe your take needs more time in the oven.
Honestly kind of surprised that people are so baffled that we don’t have more movies and shows that obviously take place during COVID. We were all there, I’ve seen enough people doing their grocery shopping in masks that I’m not interested in watching a movie where everyone does that again.
End of feed.