
Also, I honestly don't know much about dogs but I think most of this applies to them, too? I do know that more pets go missing in the U.S. on the 4th of July holiday than any other time of year, so please just be extra mindful of all the babbys.
Fireworks suck! Here are some tips from cat behaviorist Mikel Delgado for keeping your cats safe and happy this 4th of July. 1. Make sure your cats are inside. Even if they normally go out, the 4th is not a good day for them to roam. (con't)
Yep, a lot of that applies to dogs too! Plus very secure leash/harness (extra helpful if you can attach to yourself, I have one that can go around my waist) even dogs who don’t normally pull can bolt when scared. Of course try to walk/potty break earlier before fireworks start if possible though.