
Same here. I thought I couldn't be shocked. But I am.
I am mad at myself for allowing myself to be shocked, but I’m legit shocked. It is as appallingly cynical as anything the court has done since Bush V Gore
However cynical you are about the Supreme Court, you're not cynical enough. Gotta crank that dial to 11, then add a few
Remarkable, but unsurprising, it’s mostly just older white guys saying this. We haven’t had to the power of the state turned on us like other groups. They know how shitty it can get and that we are nowhere near bottom.
Bush v Gore they issued a stay on counting the ballots on December 7, had oral arguments on December 11, and issued their ruling on December 12. Most corrupt SCOTUS ever and that is saying a lot.
I'm not shocked at all. Our government is terminally corrupt.
And one of those justices is kinda conflicted...