
If you’re wondering why the nyt editorial board would demand Biden drop out for a bad debate performance but not Trump after being liable for sexual abuse, the answer is simple: they’re angrier about Biden ending the war in Afghanistan than they’ve ever been about anything Trump has ever done
Like I think there are writers there who are still fucking FUMING about it.
in most universes, the withdrawal from Afghanistan would rank as a masterpiece of Biden gathering up allies to make the best of a horrible scenario and mostly succeeding at getting Americans out with minimal American casualties. and yet...
You're right of course but you can simplify the equation by just assuming everyone that owns a news corporation is Republican.
Occam's Razor tells me that the NYT editorial board has a fetish about being yelled at on social media
we know for a fact they are angry he refuses to do an interview with them. We know this because the editor and publisher have both said it on record.
right up front biden should have declared a major initiative to dig a tunnel to the moon and have Mexico pay for it. then he should have sucked out tapper's brains through a straw, insisting that when you're president, they let you do it. as with trump, no one would be talking about his age today.
The 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan had been negotiated between Trump admin and the Taliban, I don't think your narrative makes sense.
Right and that’s why Trump said Biden did the right thing at the debate, because he set it up
That's a complete nonsequitor to what I have written. Why didn't this Afghanistan rage come out earlier?
More than anything the Afghanistan withdrawal is what all rich 'I'm socially liberal, fiscally conservative' people I know mention as their biggest issue
what could be more fiscally conservative than a forever war 🤔
Trump being a rapist and swindler sells papers. Ending a war cuts off a paper-selling category.