
New: If business leaders are *actually* down on Trump, and not just on the ~~~optics~~~ of supporting him, they should let it be known. Even if they’re worried about retribution, there are ways to make his unfitness clear.
One thing they could do is stop contributing to the vibecession by pandering to people’s funhouse sense that the strongest economy in decades is actually weak. Another would be to say literally anything about what alarms them about the Trump agenda.
The Business Elites Who Know Trump 2.0 Would Be A Disaster Should Say Even if they don't endorse Biden, total silence helps Trump, and it takes a unified front to win.
Biden shouldn’t concede much to expand the unified front. His promise to nurture the recovery and protect rule of law are enough. But he and Senate Dems could entice execs to make their concerns clear. And execs should know that silence is complicity.
But execs don't care as long as it doesn't affect their wealth in the short term.